Yoghurt cake

Dessert is always a small celebration of the soul! The recipe for yoghurt cake is no exception, it turns out very easy to taste and refreshing especially in the summer.

Yogurt cake without baking



Gelatin is poured into a small amount of hot water and left to swell. Yogurt combine with sugar and whisk thoroughly with a mixer. In the meantime, we are preparing fresh fruits and berries for the time being: we rinse them thoroughly and crush them in cubes. The cooled gelatin mass is poured neatly into yogurt and mixed again until smooth. After that, add fruit and berries to the yoghurt basis, pour the mixture into the prepared form and put it in the refrigerator for about 3 hours. Then take out the finished cake with yogurt and gelatin from the mold, decorate with fresh fruit and serve it on the table.

Yoghurt and cookie cake


For the cake:

For filling:

For decoration:


Shortbread cookie crushed into small pieces and add a soft creamy oil. If it is solid, then pre-heat it in a water bath. Then mix everything into a homogeneous mass and set aside. Now take a convenient detachable shape, cover with paper and spread carefully the creamy mass, evenly distributing it on the bottom.

We send the workpiece for 30 minutes to the refrigerator, and we turn to the preparation of the filling. For this, dry gelatin is poured into a bowl, poured with boiled water and leave it to swell for 30 minutes. Kiwi is cleaned, cut into cubes, poured with lemon juice and sprinkled with sugar. Warm up the fruit mass on medium heat for a few minutes, so that all the juice is extracted from the kiwi, and then we cool it. In the resulting syrup pour gradually swollen gelatin and yogurt. We mix everything thoroughly.

Now lay out on the cake sliced ​​banana, pour the yoghurt mass and remove the dessert freeze in the freezer for 45 minutes, and then rearrange in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Ready cake with yoghurt and fruits carefully take out of the form and carefully remove the parchment. We decorate the delicacy with slices of kiwi and almond petals.

Cake "Broken glass" with yoghurt



First, we pour out the fruit jelly into separate bowls, fill it with water, according to the instructions, and remove it for freezing into the refrigerator. Then the finished jelly is cut into small cubes. Gelatin soak in half a glass of boiled cool water and leave it for about 30 minutes. When the gelatin swells, put the dishes on a slow light and warm, constantly stirring, until completely dissolved. Then remove the scoop from the plate and cool a bit.

Cottage cheese we transfer in a bowl of blender, we pour out yoghurt and we pour sugar. Whisk the mass until smooth and pour gelatin with a thin trickle. Form for the cake is covered with food film. Fruit jelly, cut with rhombs, gently mix with each other and put it into shape. Evenly pour out the prepared yoghurt mixture from above and remove the cake for several hours in the refrigerator.