Stuffed Loaf

In this article you will find an excellent alternative to the usual hot sandwiches - we will tell you how to prepare a stuffed loaf. This original snack is prepared quickly and simply from the available products, which are almost always in the refrigerator.

Stuffed loaf in the oven



From the loaf along the cut the upper part and carefully take out the crumb. In half the crumb, add cream, tomato paste and mix. We cut the fat into small cubes, fry it in vegetable oil, then add chopped mushrooms, chopped onions, minced meat and fry everything until the stuffing is ready. Soak the crumb slightly and add to the pan to the rest of the ingredients, add the egg, salt, crushed herbs and pepper to taste. All is well mixed and we fill the received groove with a groove in the loaf. After that, carefully place it on a baking sheet, sprinkle with melted butter and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, then sprinkle it with grated cheese and send it back to the oven until the cheese is covered with a crusty crust. Serve the stuffed loaf to the table hot, cutting into small portions.

Baton stuffed with canned food



In this recipe, you can use any canned fish in oil - sardine, saury or any other.

In the loaf at both ends, cut the crust, carefully take out the crumb, it should turn out to be a "pipe". With canned oil, pour out the butter and knead it with a fork. In a bowl, mix half the crumb, canned food, diced eggs, toasted golden until onion, softened butter and shredded herbs, if necessary, then salt and pepper to taste. The resulting mixture is stuffed with a loaf and put into the refrigerator for about an hour. Before serving, the loaf stuffed with fish is cut into slices.

How to prepare a loaf stuffed with cottage cheese and ham?



Take the loaf, remove the crumb from it - it is more convenient to do this, dividing the baguette into 3-4 parts. Make the filling: sweet pepper, ham, olives cut into cubes, cheese three on a grater, add cottage cheese and garlic, passed through the press. Mix well and tightly fill the loaf. We wrap it in a film and send it to the refrigerator for at least an hour. We serve on the table, cut into pieces.

Loaf stuffed with sausage and cheese - recipe



Baton cut in the middle and pull out the crumb. We prepare the filling: rub cheese and sausage on a large grater (so that the sausage is easier to rub, you can put it freezer for 20 minutes), add raw egg, mayonnaise and crumb, cut into small cubes. We mix everything and fill the bread with bread. Then gently transfer the stuffed loaf into the pan with the warmed vegetable oil and fry until until the cheese melts. Especially delicious is a hot butehrod in a frying pan in a hot state.