Compote of grapes and apples for the winter

Now is the time for home preparations from grapes and apples, and we suggest you to cook for the winter a delicious and aromatic compote with the participation of these fruits.

How to cook compote from grapes and apples - a recipe for winter without sterilization


Calculation for one can of 3 liters:


Initially, we will prepare the banks. They need to be washed and sterilized in any accessible and convenient way. Now we put the filtered water to boil, and in the meantime we rinse the grapes, remove the berries from the bunches, lay them in prepared cans and go for apples. We wash them, extract the cores and stems, and cut the flesh into slices and send them to the grapes. If desired, you can add a couple of lemon slices and a carnation bud for piquancy and extra flavor. Fill the fruit in a jar with boiled water, cover the vessels with lids and leave for ten minutes. After the time has elapsed, we pour the water back into the pan, and pour the necessary amount of sugar into the jars.

Fused water is heated to a boil, boil for three to five minutes and poured into a jar of fruit and sugar. We immediately seal the lids, turn the vessels upside down and wrap them thoroughly with something warm for slow cooling and self-sterilization.

Compote for the winter from grapes, apples and plums


Calculation per one liter jar:


According to this recipe, a fairly concentrated compote is obtained, which must be diluted with boiled water before consumption.

To implement the recipe, we remove the washed apples from the core and pedicels and cut them into lobules. We put them in a saucepan, pour a small amount of water and boil over moderate heat for five minutes. Then shift the apple slices for a short while into the icy water, then throw it back on the sieve and let it drain. Plums mine, we divide in half and we save from stones, and we remove grapes from bunches. We stack the stewed apples, grapes and half the plums in layers to the top. From the water in which apples were cooked, and sugar cook a sweet syrup, pour it into a container of fruit. We then cover them with lids and put them in a bowl with water for sterilization. After boiling, we sterilize the billets for twenty minutes, then seal it tightly and after cooling off we send it to the storeroom for storage.

Compote of apples, grapes and oranges


Calculation for one can of 3 liters:


Incredibly delicious turns compote of apples and grapes, if you add it with orange slices. To prepare it, we prepare the grapes and apples, taking into account the recommendations described above, after washing the fruit, having rid of the cores and pedicels, and put them in sterile cans. In each three-liter container we also put two orange mugs. Citrus fruits must be washed beforehand and placed in boiling water for a minute.

Fill the components in the jar with boiled filtered water and leave for ten minutes, closing the lid. After the time the water is poured into a saucepan and put again on the stove, and pour sugar into the jar. After boiling, boil the liquid for a couple of minutes and pour it into the can, filling it up to the top. Now we seal the workpiece and put it under a warm "coat" for self-sterilization and slow cooling down.