Summer games for children in the open air

In summer, all the activities of children are best organized in nature. Unlike the premises, on the street, boys and girls can spend their time in active entertainment, which will allow them to throw out the energy that has accumulated during the year of intense study.

In this article, we will introduce you to a number of interesting summer games for children that can be organized in the fresh air.

Children's outdoor games in summer

In the summer camp, as well as in any outdoor area, you can organize the following games:

  1. "Merry Kangaroos." All the guys stand next to each other, forming a large circle so that the distance between them is about a meter. At the same time, around each player draws around a small circle, about 40 cm in diameter. At the beginning of the game, with the help of the counters, the leader is selected, which comes out of a small circle and is located in the center of the large one. When he suddenly pronounces the word "Game!", All the guys jump with their two legs into the next small circle, located to their left. The facilitator also aspires to take a free place, and he must do it faster than the other participants. In the event that he succeeded, the player, left without a circle, becomes the lead, after which the game continues.
  2. "Race". For this game, all the guys have to break into pairs, the participants of each of which hold each other firmly by the hands crosswise. Do not uncoupling your hands, players must reach the set point and go back. In the competition, the pair that managed to do it faster than others wins.
  3. "Traffic light". On the court for playing with a stick or chalk, draw two parallel lines, the distance between which is 5-6 meters. All players are located behind one of the lines, and the leader - in the middle between the stripes back to the other participants. At some point in time, the leader announces a color, for example, yellow. If a player wears this color on clothes, shoes or accessories, he can go to the other side without hindrance, and if not, he will have to run to the second line, but so that the leader can not touch him. If all the guys managed to reach the goal, the game continues. If someone is caught, he takes the lead.