Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a disease that, like most diseases of the musculoskeletal system, should be treated with motion. Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint should provide a load of muscle and ligaments located next to the affected joint, and at the same time, provide peace and not wear the joint itself. For this, the complex of exercises for arthrosis should primarily consist of static, rather than dynamic movements. Static means that you will freeze for a few seconds in each position, thus, you will not wear an already painful joint.

Before the beginning of exercises with knee arthrosis, you should always consult a doctor, because only a specialist and an X-ray can show the areas of damage in your knee.

Exercise for arthrosis is allowed only during the remission period, when the inflammation is already insignificant or has passed. At the same time, the most important thing for your health and future joints is to realize that physical activity is the only sure way to restore the knees.


The first part of the exercises from the complex for arthrosis of the knee joints is performed sitting on a chair. Now we will work on the quadriceps muscles of the legs.

  1. Alternately raise your knees up, hands resting on the chair.
  2. We raise both knees simultaneously, detained and lowered.
  3. We lift one by one and straighten our legs.
  4. Bent legs were torn off the floor. Both legs were straightened and fixed for a few seconds. Returned to the IP, again pulled and fixed. We perform up to 10 - 15 times.
  5. We keep our feet on the weight and alternately pull them forward, as if, we hit the ball. We try not to lower our legs to the floor.
  6. We stretch our legs and work the ankle joints of the legs alternately. Circles, eight, etc.

The second half of the exercises of our complex with knee arthrosis should be performed in a prone position.

  1. We lay down on the back, perform a "bicycle".
  2. Bent the legs in the knees, put them wider, hands along the body. We perform the "bridge", fix it for 10 seconds.
  3. Complicating: put the lower leg of the right foot on the left knee and become the bridge on three points. We change the legs and hold for 10 seconds.
  4. A bridge with a straight leg - straightened one leg, we rise to the bridge. We change legs.

The slower we perform the exercises, the greater the burden we give to the ligaments and muscles . The duration of one workout is 10 to 15 minutes, 4 to 5 approaches can be done per day.