Exercises for weight loss of the whole body

We like to complain about the fact that there is absolutely no possibility that you will not go for any training , but even at home. There is no place, time, effort, the list of complaints to the heavenly office could be continued indefinitely, if such an opportunity would not have presented itself.

Here, for example, the exercises for weight loss of the whole body need to spend only 14 and a half minutes. As for the area, then for the whole complex of exercises for weight loss for the whole body you need no more than two meters, or rather an area equal to your height with arms outstretched in the prone position.

And the time ... Well, even if you do not have 15 minutes for all this during the day, you could wake up 20 minutes earlier, in order to lie about 5 minutes and work out for 14 and a half minutes.

Interval training - 5 exercises and 5 circles. At work - 25 seconds over each exercise, on rest - 10 seconds. This is really an exercise for weight loss of all parts of the body, and you will see for yourself the reliability of such an assertion, as soon as you make at least one circle of five.


  1. IP - standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms bent at elbows, palms exposed parallel to the floor. We toss our knees alternately, reaching out to the palm. If there are forces, raise your palms higher, most importantly, do not lower them to your knees and do not bend your back.
  2. We take the emphasis lying down, pulling the knees to the chest alternately on exhalation. The back is even, the stomach is pulled up, legs are straightened to the end.
  3. We lay down on the back, legs are half-bent and raised vertically. We raise both feet at the same time in exhalation, and in the inhalation we bring them together. Hands on the waist or on the back of the neck, the waist is completely pressed to the floor.
  4. We take an emphasis lying, feet simulate running with a high rise of the knees.
  5. We lay down on the floor, on the back, legs stretched out, arms above the head straight. On the exhalation, we do the lifting of the body with a turn to the right, and in parallel draw to the breast the right knee. On inhaling we lay down on the floor. We alternate to both sides.

Repeat all successively 4 more times.