Pulse for burning fat

The organism does not care about what you are doing, it reacts to everything happening with a change in the pulse - so, depending on the heart rate in the body, different processes are started, including fat burning .

Pulse for burning fat - this is what distinguishes jogging from running for weight loss, aerobics from training to fat burning. It depends on the pulse that you will achieve during the training. Therefore, do not be too lazy to know your pulse during a period of increased activity - it is quite possible that your "increased" activity is regarded by the body as "easy" and does not lead to cardinal changes inside.

How to calculate the pulse for fat burning?

There is a very simple way to calculate what the pulse should be in training. To do this, determine the maximum heart rate - MUF:

Example: you are 28 years old, then:

That is, your limit of heart rate during training should be 192 beats per minute, more is a danger to the heart.

What should be the pulse during training?

However, in no case can we assume that 192 beats per minute is the norm for all 30 minutes of classes. In fact, there is a kind of "classification" that helps us choose the right pulse in accordance with the expectations of the training:

A conscious attitude towards the pulse will not only increase the productivity of your trainings, but also maintain your health.