Great Britain

English mastiff belongs to the breed of dog-shaped. Therefore, the use of the English dog name for dogs of this breed is fully justified. The literal translation of the word "mastiffus" from Latin means "dog-horse". The name speaks for itself - English mastiff is one of the largest dogs in the world.

The standard of the breed assumes the growth of the male at the withers up to 76 cm, and the bitches - up to 70 cm. The impressive weight varies in the range of 80-86 kg, but individuals up to 150 kg are found. Powerful and large mastiffs always look taut and elegant. A wide voluminous-angular head on a powerful neck is covered with deep folds. Clearly outlined fleeces moderately sag. Due to the wide and highly placed ears, the head looks even wider. On the muzzle is a black mask characteristic of the Great Danes. Clever, focused eyes are nutty or dark-hazel. Torso strong and muscular. Paws are straight and strong.

Despite its frightening appearance, the English dog is a dog possessing a very good-natured character. They are very calm, intelligent and not aggressive animals. Lifestyle mastiff prefer to moderate, they do not run away from home and do not run.

The disadvantages of the breed include abundant molting, slobbering and loud snoring. But this is more than offset by the cleanliness and lack of desire to gnaw things even during the change of teeth.

The average lifespan of the mastiff does not exceed 10 years. At this age he looks like a decrepit old man. However, there are cases when dogs of this breed survived to 17 years.

Great Dane: training

This breed is excellent for training due to the constant desire to please its owner and natural wit. But it is not necessary to teach them the course of guard duty - mastiffs are not suitable for these purposes.

Beginning to conduct lessons is necessary from 9 months at least once a week. But periodically you need to do short breaks in training.

Mastiffs never forget their watchdog and protective functions. At the slightest threat, they try to protect the owner. In stressful situations, strong dogs can commit irreparable actions, so the main task of training should be the psychological preparation of the dog for unexpected dangers.

Puppies English dog

The duration of both the physical and psychological growth of the Great Dane puppy is at least 2-3 years. During this period the puppies require enhanced nutrition. Up to 4 months of age, small mastiffs are fed at least 5 times a day, up to 6 months - 4 times, up to a year - 3 times. Daily in the menu must be present cottage cheese, containing calcium. If the puppy refuses to eat it, you have to invent something. For example, cook casseroles. Feed should be chosen with the content of a full range of vitamin and mineral supplements. This is especially important for normal development. Up to a year the mastiffs can not be overfed because of the heavy burden on the growing skeleton. Ideally, they should be visible ribs.

A special structure of the stomach prevents the pups from walking out less than 2 hours after meals and an hour before feeding. Violation of this rule can lead to dog disease. On walks muscle mass is grown and ligaments are strengthened, which in puppies of this breed in the joints are very weak. On the street puppies need to walk, in any case do not stand still. Loads in the form of running or walking on stairs should be added gradually.

Fulfillment of all the necessary recommendations for the cultivation and training of English dogs will allow you to grow a healthy and faithful defender and friend.