Sweating on the face

The irritation and rash on the skin, caused by the increased work of sweat glands, is called a chalk. The disease is most often manifested in infants, but from him is not insured and an adult. Let's see if there is a perspiration on the face and what signs it has.

Sweat on the face - clinical picture

The reason for the appearance of sweating is directly related to the clogging of the sweat glands. Provocators of this state usually become the surrounding conditions: high humidity and hot weather. In addition, irritation can occur in an adult with poor hygiene.

Among the provoking factors, it is also often noted:

What does the faceplate look like?

  1. Crystal - is characterized by a small pearly rash. The diameter of the bubbles does not exceed 1-2 mm. Rashes are accompanied by a weak itch. Discomfort lasts not for long and passes by itself. After the disappearance of the rash the skin in this place is scaly.
  2. Red leads to the appearance of irritated reddish spots with bubbles. Gradually, individual spots merge into extensive damage. Serious fluid is released from the vesicles. In this case, marked itching and soreness are noted. Knowing how to treat this kind of sweating on the face, you can get rid of discomfort for a couple of weeks.
  3. Papular sweating affects the deep layers of the skin. Most often this type of pathology occurs in areas with high humidity and hot weather. Under the influence of climatic conditions there is a swelling of the epidermis, stretching and rupture of the ducts of the sweat glands. In the result, watery bubbles are formed, which are transformed into papules. When the bubbles dry up, crusts remain. After their falling off, the appearance of scars is possible. If at this time there is infection of the wound, remove the chalk on the face will have for several months.

What should I do if I have a fever on my face?

Treatment is reduced to several measures:

In severe forms, antibiotic and antihistamines are recommended. Also, the skin is wiped with antiseptic solutions.

It is worth noting that the treatment of sweating should be handled by a dermatologist. The use of any national means is possible after its approval.