Frostbite of the toes - treatment

Doctors frostbite are classified as traumas that, unlike traditional injuries, may not manifest themselves immediately. Because of this, the treatment of frostbite of the toes - the most complex and dangerous type of frostbite - begins with delay and becomes much more complicated.

Degree of frostbite of the toes

The main danger of frostbite is that this problem at the initial stage is very difficult to notice. The fact is that the cold is an excellent analgesic. Therefore, many patients entering polyclinics with frostbite, until the last are sure that they just froze.

Most often, the cause of this peculiar trauma, in addition to the low temperature on the street, is not enough warm and too narrow shoes. Other reasons for which frostbite treatment of the toes may be required are as follows:

There are several basic degrees of frostbite:

  1. The first is manifested by an easy, but rather intrusive itching, dry skin and burning sensation. As soon as the frost-bitten area of ​​the body gets into heat, the skin on it becomes bright red, there is swelling.
  2. In the second stage, the skin becomes covered with vesicles, which are very much scratched in the heat.
  3. At the third degree all layers of frost-bitten skin die off. Vesicles in the affected areas are large, filled with blood.
  4. The most difficult is the fourth degree. At this stage not only tissues are destroyed, but also nerves, and frostbitten fingers completely lose sensitivity.

What should I do if my toes are frostbitten?

The first thing to do when frostbite is to warm up the affected parts of the body. And it needs to be done as soon as possible, but not abruptly. The most effective is the use of warm water. The initial temperature should not exceed 30-35 degrees. You need to increase it gradually. If the skin gradually turns pink, then blood circulation is restored.

Many people, trying to help a person and warm the affected area, immediately put it in very hot water, which is strictly not recommended when frostbite. With such a sharp recovery of blood flow, tissues can die off.

If there is no warm water at hand, a light massage can be done to restore blood circulation. Gently massage the foot, starting from the fingers. After that, wipe the skin with alcohol (only if it does not have bubbles) and cover with a gauze compress with cotton wool.

How to treat frostbite of the toes?

Depending on the degree of frostbite, the treatment changes. The earlier the problem is discovered, the quicker and easier it can be to get rid of:

  1. Frostbite of the first degree, in principle, can not be treated at all. A few days later, under normal conditions, the skin recovers itself. Sometimes for a speedy recovery is prescribed a course of physiotherapy. Ointments-antiseptics are used only in the event that due to low temperatures on the skin appeared shallow sores.
  2. At the second degree of frostbite, vesicles must be opened. After this, the affected area is treated with an antiseptic. With this frostbite, Levomecol ointment is often used. Damaged skin area constantly should be under a sterile bandage, which you need to change every two hours.
  3. With frostbite of the third degree, bubbles are first opened, and after - the dead tissue is removed. The place is covered with a bandage. At the stage of healing, physiotherapeutic procedures are actively used.
  4. Treatment of the fourth degree of frostbite also involves the removal of dead tissue. But in particularly difficult cases, amputation may be required.

Ointments with frostbite toes can also be used. The best means - on the basis of animal fats, royal jelly, natural plant extracts.