The universal parental Saturday - what should you do and how to properly remember the deceased relatives?

In the Orthodox faith there are special days when it is necessary to remember the deceased relatives. These days in the church there is a worship service, which people can come to pray for their loved ones. In the evening, they hold memorial meals, observing Orthodox traditions.

What is the parental Saturday in Orthodoxy?

The two main Universal Sabbaths, when it is customary to commemorate all Christians who were baptized: Meatfrog and Trinity. They are necessarily accompanied by important worship services - universal or universal requiems. There are other six parental Saturday: Radonitsa, Dimitrievskaya, Commemoration of the deceased soldiers and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of the Great Lent. To understand what the Meat-Filled Parental Saturday means, it should be said that meat is banned on this day, and the parent is named because of the need to remember close relatives whose parents are on the list in the list.

According to Orthodox rules these days are allowed to pray for people who died their own death, were killed and even disappeared without a trace and are not betrayed to the ground. The Universal Meat-Filled Parent Saturday is an ancient holiday, when they remember all the dead Orthodox who suffered for their faith in the Lord. It is believed that the living have a chance with their prayers to help the dead.

It is important to understand what the Universal Parent's Saturday is and what you need to do and can not do, because this day is very important for every Orthodox believer. In addition, many signs and ancient traditions are associated with it. Many are wondering why the deceased are remembered on Saturday, and not on another day, and so, according to the Gospel, on this day of the week Jesus Christ was put in a tomb and mourned.

Parental Saturday - what should I do?

The most important thing on such days is visiting the church service and compulsory reading of prayers for deceased relatives. Finding out what should be done on the parental Saturday, we should mention the tradition of believers to visit the cemetery that day to lay flowers on the graves. Priests believe that it is more important to defend the service than to go to the grave, but if you can not do it, neither one, nor another, you can just pray at home. A big parental Saturday is an occasion to gather in quiet surroundings with close people and remember the deceased.

What should I do on my Saturday morning at the church?

On the eve in the temples there is a great funeral service, but in the morning there is a Divine Liturgy for the repose and a general funeral service. People who come to church have the opportunity to write notes with the names of the deceased and read memorial prayers . Many are interested in what to bring to the church on the parental Saturday, and so, according to the old church traditions, you can take food from the house, but only lean, and wine for the liturgy. After consecration, the products are distributed to all comers. When leaving the church, it is necessary to give alms to the indigent, so that they pray for the dead.

How to commemorate the parental Saturday?

Increasingly, wake-ups for modern people turn into feasts, where people enjoy refreshments and talk on different topics, but in fact, in Orthodox traditions, at the memorial table, one must pray. Before you sit down at the table it is customary to perform lithium, or, at the most, you should read the prayer "Living Help" and "Our Father". The great parental Saturday is the time for visiting the church service and praying, remembering the relatives. You can not remember the deceased with wine, because this drink is a symbol of earthly joy.

What to cook for the Universal Parent Saturday?

On this day, relatives gather at the table to remember their relatives. Lenten dishes are put on the table, and a kutya dish, intended for remembrance of the deceased, is a must. They consider it a symbol of the burial of all people who were not betrayed to the land, so their spirit rushes and does not know how to leave the earth. If ahead of the meat-eating parental Saturday, then be sure to prepare the wheat grains, which must first be soaked for several hours. As a filling, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, poppy seeds, honey, syrup or marmalade are used.

What can not be done on the parental Saturday?

Many prohibitions relating to this day are fabricated. Though there is also a widespread opinion that on this day you can get out and work, the main thing is to first visit the church and read the prayers, and the rest of the time you can spend as you see fit. There are other prohibitions concerning this day:

  1. The Saturday Sabbath means a mandatory visit to the church and there many people start to commemorate people, making snacks and drinking alcohol. The Church considers these traditions pagan and forbids them.
  2. You can not leave alcohol on the grave of the deceased relatives, especially if they have often drunk during their lifetime, since this can only aggravate the situation of his soul.
  3. Finding out what the Universal Parent Saturday is, what you need to do on this day, and what is under the ban, it is worth pointing out that you can not be sad, quarreling, foul and bad to talk about the deceased.
  4. You can not organize lavish banquets and cook lots of dishes. On the table should be only lean dishes.
  5. Memorial parental meat Saturday forbade the use of meat and meat products.

Prayers for Parents Saturday

On this day, prayer appeals are mandatory, and you can ask for both relatives and distant relatives. They help the souls to find peace and find their way in another world. In another way, the living can not help their deceased relatives. Prayer on the parental Saturday of the dead helps sinners to be cleansed. You can ask for people who were killed, died from an accident and so on, because all people are united before God.

Folk features on the parental Saturday

Many superstitions are associated with this day, which have been formed for many years. Believe in them or not, the decision of each person.

  1. Many signs and superstitions on the parents' Saturday are connected with the feast, so on this day it is impossible to clean anything from the table after the evening meal and wash the dishes, since it is believed that the deceased relatives will come to eat at night.
  2. On this day, it is customary to bake pancakes, and the first was laid separately for the deceased. If the first pancake falls on the floor during the frying, then before you raise it, you need to read the protection prayer. Otherwise, death can occur.
  3. Marriage this day predicts trouble.
  4. Finding out what the Universal Parent Saturday is and what you need to do, it should be mentioned that weather conditions on this day were judged as to what will be the spring. If the weather is clear, then the spring will be fine. When there was a thunder, then listen to the first rumblings, so if they were on the north side, then, the spring will be cold, and if the east - then warm and dry.

Ritual for money on parental Saturday

Memorial days are considered ideal times in order to appeal to deceased relatives and ask them for help. There are simple conspiracies on the Universal Parenthood Saturday to attract financial well-being. A simple ritual will help to enlist the help of the kindred spirits who will help throughout the year.

  1. For a day, get the sweets that you need to put in the donation basket in the church.
  2. When leaving, buy six candles and put them for the repose of six of their relatives.
  3. Putting each candle, ask the Lord for the rest of the soul of the deceased, calling his name.
  4. After that, read the funeral prayer, followed by a conspiracy.