Why does pregnancy stop?

Unfortunately, today more and more often women find themselves in a situation when their long-awaited and planned pregnancy suddenly ends in the fading of the fetus. Unsuccessful parents in this situation are experiencing serious stress and do not know how to survive what happened.

In this article, we will tell you about why the fetus fades during pregnancy, and what causes this pathology in most cases.

Why there comes a frozen pregnancy?

The most common fading of the fetus during pregnancy is caused by the following reasons:

  1. As a rule, the main cause, why the pregnancy stops at an early age, becomes genetic disorders in the embryo. In 70% of cases natural selection plays a role here , which determines whether a baby should be born to a sick person. The genetic "scrap" can be transmitted to the fetus by both mother and father.
  2. From the moment of conceiving a child in the body of a future mother, the amount of sex hormones estrogen and progesterone increases, and their quantity and ratio are important for the successful course of pregnancy. With a deficiency of progesterone, the embryo can not steadily gain a foothold in the uterus, which, in turn, can lead to the arrest of its vital activity.
  3. In addition, all pregnant women significantly reduced immunity. The organism of the future mother becomes unusually vulnerable to different infections. In some cases, infectious agents can affect the fetus in utero , which is why a frozen pregnancy occurs. Especially dangerous for an unborn baby is the aggravation of sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, as well as infection of the pregnant woman with cytomegalovirus infection, toxoplasmosis and rubella.
  4. Finally, the wrong way of life of the expectant mother can lead to miscarriage of the fetus. In particular, the use of alcohol and drugs, smoking, constant stress, work in harmful working conditions, lifting weights, the use of certain drugs - all this can ruin the crumb still in the mother's abdomen.

Today fading of the fetus is about 15% of pregnancies. For comparison, 30 years ago this percentage did not exceed five. So why are there so many frozen pregnancies now? Of course, one can blame everything for the worsening environmental situation every day. However, do not forget that decades ago, abortions were done much less often, and the age of expectant mothers often did not exceed 30 years. Today, women do not want to burden themselves with child care too early and often make a decision about abortion, for which they pay in the future.