Useful properties of goji

The popularity of the product causes a fairly high price, but its uniqueness is somewhat exaggerated. This berry is widespread not only in Tibet, but also in many other regions where it is specially cultivated. At the same time, it can not be denied that, although not a panacea, goji berries (daisy or Chinese daisy) really possess many medicinal properties.

Useful properties of goji berries

The goji berries contain:

Due to its chemical composition, goji berries have restorative, tonic, antioxidant and other medicinal properties. They contribute to the normalization of pressure, have a beneficial effect on the work of the kidneys and the liver, the nervous and hematopoietic system, suppress the growth of candidiasis and pathogenic E. coli. Also goji berries contribute to the normalization of blood sugar and lowering cholesterol, removing toxins from the body.

Use of goji berries

In eastern folk medicine (Chinese and Tibetan), the medicinal properties of goji berries have been known for a very long time, and the plant is widely used, not only as a medicinal product, but also as a seasoning. So, in the east they are prescribed as an anti-tuberculosis and anti-asthmatic remedy, and also as a tonic and restorative for:

Regular use of goji promotes the removal of headaches, normalization of blood pressure, positively affects vision. In addition to all of the above, goji increases immunity, can be used to prevent tumors and to reduce side effects in radiation and chemotherapy.

It has also been established that goji berries have the property of enhancing the effect of anticoagulant drugs (eg, warfarin). Therefore, in case of taking anticoagulants, before you start using goji, medical consultation is necessary.

Healing properties of goji are myths and reality

  1. Goji - a great anti-aging agent. In old Chinese chronicles goji is often called the "berry of longevity". Due to its immuno-fortifying, general toning, normalizing the work of many internal organs of action, with regular use this product is able to slow down the age-related changes a little. But we are talking about slowing down the development of negative changes, and not about rejuvenation.
  2. Goji - an indispensable tool for weight loss. This opinion is very widespread today, and many sources advertise goji as a means of losing weight. Goji - a fairly strong hepatoprotector , normalizing the work of the liver. This product helps to remove cholesterol from the body, toxins and toxins, normalizes the work of the intestines, kidneys, blood sugar level. Thus, a certain weight loss effect can be observed due to cleansing the body and improving the performance of some internal organs, but the cure is not a panacea that will help to quickly get rid of excess kilograms.

How to take goji?

Dried goji berries have a rather pleasant taste, because they can be consumed and dried, but the most common is their brewing in the form of tea:

  1. A teaspoon of boiled water is poured into a teaspoon of dried berries.
  2. Insist for 30 minutes (preferably in a thermos bottle).
  3. You need to drink this broth a glass twice a day.

More frequent use of the product will not do any harm, but also benefit, since the beneficial substances contained in the berry are not digested more than a certain amount.