Hepatoprotectors of the new generation

Diseases of the liver, characterized by rapid and irreversible degeneration of its cells into connective tissue, as well as toxic organ damage require highly effective treatment. Hepatoprotectors of the new generation are intended for intensive restoration of the liver, its protection from poisons and prevention of the development of tumors.

Hepatoprotectors - classification

To date, there is no generally accepted principle of subdivision of drugs of this series into groups. Among doctors, such medicines are classified into synthetic drugs and medicines of natural origin (vegetable or animal).

Synthetic hepatoprotectors include:

Natural hepatoprotectors for the liver are based either on extracts of medicinal plants (milk thistle, artichoke , prickly capers), or on hydrolyzed compounds from the organs of cattle, similar in structure to human cells.

New hepatoprotectors in chemotherapy

Medications used in the treatment of cancerous tumors actively inhibit the growth and multiplication of pathological cells. At the same time, they have side effects on healthy body tissues, including the parenchyma of the liver. Moreover, chemotherapy often leads to the development of toxic hepatitis, especially in patients older than 30 years. Therefore, the liver needs to provide reliable protection and recovery during the course of drugs.

The best hepatoprotectors:

The above medicines should be taken according to the recommendations of the treating oncologist and gastroenterologist. The course of therapy - at least 2 months or more. It is important to remember that even hepatoprotectors of the new generation are not capable of providing complete recovery of liver cells and its absolute protection. Therefore, you must simultaneously observe a strict diet and try to stick to a healthy lifestyle.

Hepatoprotectors in hepatitis C

In the treatment of viral hepatitis, the drugs in question are not a curative, but are used as a supporting component to reduce liver intoxication during the intake of antibiotics and medications with corticosteroid hormones.

It should be noted that in hepatitis C, essential phospholipids are completely ineffective. Choose a medicine is necessary from a number of natural hepatoprotectors based on the extract of milk thistle and other plants:

Excellent positive effects showed a new hepatoprotector Remaxol, intended for intravenous administration. This multicomponent drug is based on succinic acid, which facilitates the normalization of metabolic processes, which provides antioxidant effect. In addition, the solution allows to achieve good liver cell repair parameters, stop the degeneration of parenchyma tissues and provide rapid detoxification of the organism as a whole.

Hepatoprotectors of organic origin (Vitohepate, Sirepard, Hepatosan) are also often prescribed in the treatment of hepatitis C (viral). Experts note their satisfactory tolerability and high efficiency, if necessary, to reduce the toxic effect on the liver during the course of antibiotics and exacerbation of the disease.