Hypertrophic rhinitis

Quite rare, but from this no less unpleasant disease is hypertrophic rhinitis. This is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, often it is accompanied by tissue growth in the nasal concha, which significantly complicates breathing.

Signs and symptoms of hypertrophic rhinitis

Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis develops gradually. Usually the disease manifests itself at a fairly late age, the majority of patients are men over 35 years old. The provoking factors are:

It should also be noted that the causes of the disease largely depend on the hereditary predisposition of each individual person. The tendency to grow new cartilage cells in the nasal concha and larynx is genetic.

Recognize hypertrophic rhinitis is not difficult, here are the symptoms that serve as an excuse to turn to lor:

There are three degrees of hypertrophic rhinitis, each of which has its own characteristics. At the initial stages of the disease, the patient practically does not experience discomfort. It is possible to observe the disease only at inspection. The second stage manifests most of these symptoms. Usually, treatment begins at this stage. The third degree refers to complications and in this case urgent surgical intervention is indicated.

Features of treatment of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

A few years ago, mainly conservative methods and physiotherapy were used to treat hypertrophic rhinitis. The patient was prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve mucosal inflammation and reduce edema. After the respiratory function was restored, the overgrown cells of the nasal concha were cauterized by a laser, or an electric shock procedure was performed. These methods brought the patient only a short-term relief.

To date, the best way to cure hypertrophic rhinitis is surgery. This minimally invasive intervention is performed under local anesthesia and after 4 days the patient can return to his usual lifestyle.