Coffee in early pregnancy

Coffee is the favorite drink of many women. It has a unique taste, invigorates, improves metabolic processes. But do not forget that coffee has negative properties, which is important to take into account future mothers. As a rule, it is difficult for women to give up the habit of drinking a cup of a favorite drink in the morning. Is it worth it at all to deny yourself this pleasure? In the article, we will find out whether it is possible to drink coffee in the early stages of pregnancy.

Studies have shown that you can not regularly drink coffee for pregnant women. In the early stages of everyday use of this drink increases the risk of losing a child to 60%.

It is likely that the danger is directly caffeine, and not other components that make up the beverage. Those. not only coffee, but also hot chocolate, cocoa, tea, coca-cola, some caffeine-containing tablets lead to the risk of losing a baby at an early pregnancy. The effect of caffeine is very fast: just seconds after consuming a cup of a fragrant drink, caffeine is ingested with blood into the body of a woman and her future baby. Consider what can happen if you regularly and in large quantities drink coffee during pregnancy in the early stages:

Women should not be greatly frightened because of the listed pathologies. Such consequences can arise if you drink two or more cups of coffee daily.

The question is whether it is possible to drink coffee in the early stages of pregnancy, does not have an unambiguous answer today. But it's not worth risking your health and life with crumbs.

How to give up coffee?

Here are some tips that will help future moms get rid of the habit of using their favorite drink and keep their health:

Thus, there is no one-sided answer to the question whether it is possible to drink coffee at an early age for pregnant women. But the side effects listed in the article, which may arise from its use, do not speak in favor of this drink.