5 month of pregnancy

Such gestational period, as the 5 month of pregnancy, is the middle of the second trimester. This period is considered to be the most calm and easy for a future mother. The phenomenon of toxicosis is already behind, and the pregnant woman by this time is already fully accustomed to her situation. Let's take a closer look at this time interval, telling about the state of health of a woman and the changes that are undergoing a fetus.

How does the pregnant woman feel at 5 month old?

First, let's determine from which week the 5th month of pregnancy begins and when it ends. According to the tables used by midwives, the beginning of this period falls on 17 weeks and lasts for 20 inclusive.

The stomach at 5 months of pregnancy is already well discernible. The uterus itself significantly increases by this time in size, and it can be compared with a small melon. At the same time during the palpation of the doctor says that the bottom of the uterus is located at the level of the navel.

All the sensations of a pregnant woman at this time are directly related to physical changes and the growth of her abdomen. It is because of the increase in its size, many future mothers at 5 months can feel the first pain in the back and waist. This is due to the fact that there is a shift in the center of gravity from the spine to the front abdominal wall. This process is accompanied by a stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, which actually leads to the appearance of soreness. The way out of the situation is wearing shoes at low speed and a special bandage for pregnant women.

At this time, some future mothers may first encounter such a violation as edema. Most often they are noted in women with excessive body weight. When there is swelling, doctors recommend to adhere to a certain diet: completely exclude salted, fried foods, smoked meats, limit the amount of liquid drunk to 1-1.5 liters per day.

Due to changes in the position of the organs of the digestive and excretory systems, in 5 months of gestation the pregnant woman encounters such phenomena as heartburn and constipation. Treatment of such violations should always be agreed with the doctor, tk. despite the seemingly long term, not all drugs can be used in pregnancy.

What happens to a future baby at 5 months of pregnancy?

By this time all systems of organs have long been formed. However, most of them undergo changes and improve their work.

Active processes are noted in the respiratory system. So, in the lungs, bronchi and alveoli develop, in which, after the appearance of the baby, a gas exchange process will occur.

The cardiac system by this time is already actively functioning. The heart commits up to 150 beats per minute. Its contractions are perfectly audible through the obstetric stethoscope.

The spleen is activated, which contributes to the formation of the immune system of the fetus. Therefore, the probability of infection of the baby through the circulatory system from the mother, sharply decreases.

Development of the nervous system of the baby is marked. There is a formation of sense organs, as well as of the vestibular apparatus itself. The fruit is able to taste the amniotic fluid that it swallows. The hearing aid of the baby is quite well developed and at 5 months it can distinguish distant sound waves, mother's voice.

If we talk about how a child looks in 5 months of pregnancy, then by the end of this time interval, its growth is about 30 cm, and the body weight reaches 500 g (20 obstetric weeks).

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the development of the fetus in the 5 months of pregnancy goes in the direction of growth of its small organism and the improvement of internal organs.