How to lower cholesterol without drugs?

Diseases of the liver, diabetes mellitus and many other diseases can cause an increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood. To normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, you need to undergo a course of treatment with various medications. But what about those who do not want to take a lot of medication? Can I lower cholesterol without drugs? Really everyone can do this.

Diet to reduce cholesterol

The most accessible and very simple way that will help you reduce cholesterol without drugs is diet. Even a few days adhering to the right diet, you can see positive results. The main source of cholesterol is various animal products. That is why, first of all, it is necessary to reduce their consumption. Use only low-fat milk and low-fat cottage cheese. Eggs should be in the diet, but their number should be reduced to 3 pieces per week. For those who want to reduce as soon as possible bad cholesterol without drugs, it is necessary to remove yolk from all eggs.

On such a diet you can eat:

Very useful for people who have high cholesterol, nuts and a variety of vegetable oils. A good anti-cholesterol effect produces flaxseed . It should be added to any food: salads, sauces, soups.

Physical exercise to reduce cholesterol

Lowering cholesterol without drugs can be done with physical activity. Regularly doing various exercises, you will clear the blood of excess fat intake. In addition, lipids can not stay in the syringes for a long time, so "bad" cholesterol can not settle on their walls.

Bodyflex, dancing, step aerobics, zumba - all this will perfectly help to cope with the cholesterol blockade accumulated in the arteries. But what if you do not want to attend any group lessons? How to quickly reduce cholesterol without drugs? To you the usual run will help! According to experts, people who run at least 3 times a week for 45 minutes are 70% faster and more qualitatively released from fats in suds than those who engage in other sports.

Those who in the elderly suffer from various heart diseases, but want to reduce LDL cholesterol as soon as possible without drugs, it is not necessary to regularly run. It will be enough to make a 40-minute walk every day. Even such a small load will reduce the risk of death from stroke and heart attack by 50%.

Folk cholesterol lowering methods

There are a huge number of different folk remedies that will help you lower cholesterol levels without medication. Clear the walls of blood vessels and quickly restore their elasticity can be, using the old recipes.

Recipe # 1:

  1. Mix 10 grams of valerian root (crushed) and 100 g of dill with 100 g of honey and pour all 1 liter of water.
  2. After 24 hours, strain the infusion and use it 10 ml three times a day.

Recipe # 2:

  1. 10 pieces. garlic mixed with 400 ml of olive oil.
  2. After a week, the resulting mixture can be used for dressing salads and other dishes.

Recipe # 3:

  1. 350 g of garlic (chopped), pour 200 ml of alcohol.
  2. After 10 days, this tincture should be drunk three times a day for 2 drops, diluted with milk.

Excellent deduces cholesterol powder of dried linden flowers:

  1. Make flour from lime flowers in a coffee grinder.
  2. Take this medicinal powder three times a day for 10 g.

But before you lower the cholesterol in your blood without drugs in this way, be sure to make sure that you do not have a licking allergy.