Color of the bedroom by Feng Shui

Arrangement of own dwelling and working space is the key moment in the teaching of feng shui. In addition to properly arranged interior items, decoration of walls, ceiling and furniture design to direct the flow of Qi can also color. During sleep, we are most vulnerable to negative factors, so choosing the right color for the bedroom by feng shui means halfway to providing ourselves with a constant influx of favorable energy.

What colors are right for the bedroom?

Answering the question about what colors are suitable for the bedroom, all the specialists of feng shui will unanimously assure you that the choice of color directly depends on the nature and behavior of the person who inhabits it. According to this parameter, the color schemes for bedrooms can be performed in the style of yin, yang or yin-yang.

The bedroom in the style of Yin is designed for people who are energetic, exhausted during the day and fast asleep at night. In the morning, such people are usually filled with energy, wake up easily and do not want to take a nap during the working day. Favorable colors for the bedroom walls are feng shui - delicate, pastel scales: peach, cream, sand, beige, ivory. The ceiling is better to paint in white.

Yan's bedroom is inhabited by restless inhabitants, so if you are anxiously asleep, wake up badly in the morning, often wake up and just dream of a warm bed during the day, despite the number of hours spent in sleep, then you are a typical settler of Yan. In this case, you need to choose dark, calm colors, which can, to some extent, calm you down: Bordeaux, brown, dark blue and violet, dark emerald green are perfect.

The Yin-Yang Bedroom is an option used if you notice an anxiety when choosing one of the styles. In this case, in the dark bedroom Yan, replace some detail with a lighter Yin: for example, lay beige bed linen, or curtains, or hang a golden canopy above the bed, that is, change the color of interior details to more contrasting scales of the opposite style.