Adhesive bowel movements - symptoms

Internal organs are covered with a mucous serous membrane. Due to various pathological processes, it can fuse and be replaced by a connective tissue. One example is the intestinal adhesions - the symptoms of this condition are manifested, as a rule, after mechanical damage, surgical interventions or after the relapse of a chronic disease.

Causes of intestinal adhesions

The mechanism of appearance of splices is associated with the fact that the integrity of the epithelium of the peritoneum is impaired. In places of damage, scarring begins by means of a connective tissue that solder cells of the mucous membrane.

The main factors provoking the described process:

It should be noted that intestinal adhesions after surgery do not appear immediately, but after a long period of time: from 2 to 6 months. Therefore, surgeons are always advised to continue to be observed by a specialist within six months after the manipulation.

How to identify adhesions in the intestine?

Due to the fact that the process of adhesion is quite long, sometimes takes 3-4 years, the clinical manifestations are noticeable only in the presence of complications, which makes it difficult to diagnose and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Symptoms and signs of intestinal adhesions:

Often, with prolonged inactivity of the patient, severe consequences develop, for example, intense pain during intestinal adhesions due to acute obstruction of its lumen. They arise against the background of multiple fusion of serous tissue and intestinal transmission, which prevents the normal passage of fecal masses.

Another complication, which is already being addressed to the surgeon, is the necrosis of the site of the organ. The condition occurs because there is a lack of blood circulation in some areas of the intestine (the artery contracts). It is impossible to cure this pathology, the therapy provides removal (resection) of the dead part of the intestine.

Diagnosis of intestinal adhesions

To accurately determine the causes of the symptoms described above, the following methods are used:

  1. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity on an empty stomach to avoid the likelihood of the appearance of gases in the lumen of the intestine.
  2. Clinical detailed analysis of blood, allowing to identify inflammatory processes in the body.
  3. Radiography or magnetic resonance imaging with a barium mixture as a contrast agent.
  4. Laparoscopy for diagnostic purposes. This operation is performed under anesthesia. During the intervention, a single incision is made through which a thin flexible tube with a miniature video camera is inserted. The event helps to accurately determine the presence or absence of adhesive process, the size and number of seizures, the degree of destruction of the intestinal tissues, therefore it is considered the most informative.