Stapelia - care

Stapelia is a long, short, succulent, very similar in appearance to the cactus Epiphyllum . Thanks to its decorative colors, in the form of a regular five-pointed star and fleshy tetrahedral stems, it increasingly attracts the attention of flower growers. But, in order to grow, come to us from Africa, a stapel needs to know how to care for her at home.

Features of care for the pile

Lighting . This sun-loving plant, so he needs a bright diffused light. For its location, western or eastern windows are well suited.

Temperature regime . Optimal for cultivation of the stalapia is considered from +22 ° С to + 26 ° С. In autumn, the flower should be prepared for the winter rest period. To do this, it is necessary to gradually reduce the temperature in the room to + 16 ° C.

Watering is required moderate, only after the top layer of soil has dried in the pot. In the period of rest (in winter), water should be seldom, only 1-2 times a month.

Top dressing . During the period of active growth, fertilizers must be applied every 14 days, using special fertilizers for various types of cacti and succulents.

Transplantation in adult plants is carried out every 3 years, and in young plants - every year. The most suitable time is spring. During the transplant, you should remove the old shoots (most often from the middle of the bush). After that, during the first week, do not water, otherwise the roots will rot.

Reproduction of the Stapelia

Breeding stapelia can be carried out by seeds or cuttings. Landing material is obtained quite simply:

The stapel is rooted in any case well enough, the main thing is to plant it in an easy substrate.

But, if you want to grow this flower on your windowsill, you should consider that it has an "amazing" aroma - the smell of rotten meat. It will attract all the flies, so it should be placed in non-residential premises, or cultivate varieties without a smell, for example, a large-flowered stapel.