Panic Attacks-Causes

Psychological disorders, deep depression, heart disease and the central nervous system - get acquainted with the main causes of the panic attack syndrome. This syndrome refers to a serious disease, which must be disposed of. Otherwise, a person will become a neurotic, and all the joys of life will lose all his attraction for him.

Symptoms and signs

Panic attack or, as the doctors call this disease, vegetative crisis is an inexplicable and painful attack of severe anxiety. The disease is accompanied by fears and various vegetative (somatic) symptoms. Attack panic attack is the result of severe physical and mental overload. The feeling of constant psychological stress, combined with the symptoms associated with panic, indicate the presence of the disease. The signs of a panic attack include:

Such attacks can last from a few minutes to several hours. The average duration of a panic attack is 15-30 minutes. These attacks are spontaneous and can not be controlled. But along with spontaneous attacks there are also situational seizures that arise in situations that are potentially "dangerous" for a person:

The first and sudden attack of a panic attack on a person is psychologically difficult to transfer. In the future, a person arrives in constant "waiting" for a new attack, thereby giving reinforcement to his illness. Fear of the onset of another attack of panic attack in a certain place forces a person to avoid this place or situation. A person has fear, which is called "agoraphobia". Increasing agoraphobia leads to social disadaptation of a person in society. Because of their fears, a person is not able to leave the house, thereby condemning himself to seclusion, becoming unsociable and a burden to his loved ones.

To treat, it is impossible to postpone

Treatment of panic attacks consists in the use of medicines and psychotherapy. Medications are not capable of eliminating the causes of panic attacks, but they can weaken or temporarily eliminate its symptoms. There are three groups of drugs that can be prescribed for treatment:

  1. Beta-blockers. Preparations of this group partially block the action of adrenaline, they can be used to prevent panic attacks;
  2. Tranquilizers. This group of drugs reduces the excitability of the central nervous system and thus breaks the panic attack. Tranquilizers quickly remove the symptoms of panic attacks, but can not eliminate their causes, which often forces a person to take tranquilizers for years. The latter leads to a strong dependence on drugs, reduces the thinking ability of a person.
  3. Antidepressants. As a result of prolonged use of the drug, panic attacks tend to stop. However, after the drug is discontinued, it is possible to re-attack attacks. To avoid long-term medication and return of the disease after their withdrawal, it is necessary to understand and eliminate the psychological component of panic attacks with a professional psychotherapist.

Do not be ashamed of your problem, and be afraid to seek help from specialists. Life is beautiful and there is no room for fear and anxiety. Take care of yourself and take care of your health.