Imatra - attractions

Only sixty years have passed since the city of Imatra was founded in Finland, but even in such a short time this settlement managed to acquire sights. Today, Imatra is a modern city, in which there is something to see for tourists with a Finnish visa .

Interesting places in Imatra

Of course, the main and most notable attraction of Imatra is a unique nature. The fact is that the city is located on the river Vuoks, which is known for its rapids and very fast current. And the famous Imatrankoski waterfall in Imatra by modern Finnish civilization was not only not spoiled, but also turned into the main natural attraction. In 1929 a powerful power station was built here, but the waterfall did not disappear, but simply acquired a new look. In August and before the celebration of the New Year in Finland, it is launched accompanied by lighting and music. The spectacle is amazing! Tourists-extremals can go down on the rope to a bubbling stream.

At a time when Finland was a part of the Russian Empire, the Imatra Kulpyla Spa Hotel was built in Imatra, on the territory of which there is a water park "Magic Forest". From the windows of this hotel offers breathtaking views of the surrounding area.

It so happened that both the bridge over the dam in Imatra, the SPA-hotel reminiscent of the castle, and the water park are next to each other, so for tourists coming to this Finnish city, it is even difficult to imagine a more convenient and suitable place for accommodation.

Behind the bridge, which is built above the dam, the glory of the place for farewell to life was fixed. For many years, people who have decided on a terrible act, come here to die. Probably, they are attracted here by the beauty and somewhat intimidating picture of the picturesque canyon. In the Imatra, even there is a monument to suicides, executed in the form of a figure of a woman throwing herself into the water. In addition, along the banks lie stones, on which relatives and friends of suicides write the names and dates of those who have died.

Near Vuoksi practically in the center of Imatra there is the Karelian house - an open-air museum. It will be interesting not only for lovers of history, but also for ordinary tourists. The cleanest air, amazing landscapes, the color that adds eleven ancient Karelian wooden houses-log houses of the XIX century, the attributes of life, indifferent will not leave anyone. From May to August, everyone can admire the paintings, which depict the scenes of everyday life of the Karelian peasants, as well as interior items that have been preserved to this day.

There are two churches in Imatra - the church of the Three Crosses and the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The first temple, built in 1957 by the architect Alvar Aalto, was named after three crosses on the altar. Striking in the structure and the number of windows - here they are one hundred and three! The lighting effects that they form attract thousands of tourists and parishioners to the church.

The second church, the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, until 1986 served as a chapel, which in 1956 was erected under the project of the architect Toivo Paatel.

When traveling to Imatra, be sure to visit the airfield in Immola, which in 1942 was visited by Adolf Hitler, invited to the birthday of Mannerheim, the Finnish marshal. Hitler gave him a car. There are also documentary photographs of this event.

There are a lot of museums in Imatra whose collections you might be interested in: War Veterans Museum, Automobile Museum, Border Guard Museum, Worker's House Museum, Art Museum.