Stress Management

Stresses haunt us everywhere - at home, at work, in the queue for shopping. But most of all we are bothered by stresses at work. How to avoid them, what to do if you do not get away from stress? These problems are dealt with by stress management, in a literal translation - stress management.

Stress management - what is it?

As already mentioned above, the concept of stress management includes methods of managing stress, as well as ways to cope with the consequences of a stressful situation.

Stress in the workplace (professional) can and should be managed. Stress management involves taking action both at the organization level and at the level of individual employees.

The following measures should be taken by the organization:

Of course, not all organizations pay attention to the creation of a favorable working atmosphere, but only to introduce special programs to combat professional stress and it does not go. Only some companies spend money to teach their employees how to survive stress at work. That's why you have to deal with stress and look for ways to remove it yourself.

How to reduce stress at work?

It does not matter why there was a stressful situation - the boss shouted, fed up the stupid questions of colleagues or the stress arose on the new job because of the large amount of unusual information, the ways to cope with the situation are the same. By and large, all the ways to cope with stress can be divided into 2 categories: relaxation (relaxation, stress relieving) and behavior modification.

First, let's talk about relaxation. In stress management there is a whole section devoted to stress relieving exercises. Here are some of them.

  1. Sit comfortably, wait until your breathing becomes normal for rest. Inhalation should last 2 strokes of the heart, and exhalation - 4, there should not be any delay in breathing. Later you can go to a slower breathing. Breathing so for a minute, you can get rid of overexertion.
  2. If such an exercise does not give positive results, try filling the breathing process with the desired value. Breathe slowly, imagining that with each exhalation you are left with all the negative emotions. And breathing in, imagine a stream of calm power that fills your body, replacing all the bad things that have accumulated in you.
  3. Stand up, close your eyes and tighten the muscles of your legs and arms. And now, counting to 3, podrozhite all the body, as they do, leaving the water, the dog. Imagine that in different directions from you fly a spray of bad emotions, feelings, fatigue. After this shaking, relax your muscles and open your eyes.
  4. Relax, close your eyes, breathe smoothly. Imagine that the golden thread that connects you to the universe departs from your crown. Through this thread you get positive energy. When there is stress, the thread becomes blocked (tied with knots, covered with clouds, imagine what is more obvious for you). To get back the support so necessary during a stressful situation, you need to release this thread. Imagine how you remove all obstacles, and the flow of energy of the Cosmos again begins to feed you through this thread.

When the voltage is removed, you can proceed to modify the behavior, change attitude to the situation. The phrases "learn from mistakes", "a lot of work - an opportunity to show oneself", "everything passes, and it will also pass" will help. To find a way out of the situation, look at it from the side, impartially, as if this did not happen to you.

To manage stress, both special exercises and favorite activities help. Many people are helped by listening to their favorite music, someone comes home and knits, some are shedding negative emotions in the gym. By the way, the latter option is highly recommended by specialists as a means to increase the stock of vital forces (if more, then stress will lessen) and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.