Working day schedule

Did you happen to have a completely unproductive day in the presence of a mass of accumulated cases? The only result is the replenishment of luggage tasks waiting to be carried out? Perhaps the whole point is that you are making a wrong plan for the daily routine. If, of course, you even think about planning. Meanwhile, a literate workday routine can significantly increase its (day) productivity, as well as help you make a longer-term work plan.

In some companies there is a special normative act that determines the working schedule of the day, but if we talk about the order of the day successful (and not shorten the time from the call to the bell), then we should stop at the time management. Your task is to distribute forces and time as efficiently as possible in order to accomplish more tasks in less time. This is quite real.

An important point - it is not necessary to "bring down" in one day all the heavy and routine business. The woman is arranged in such a way that it often becomes difficult for her to concentrate on one kind of activity. Therefore, if your duties include both creative tasks and monotonous office work, you need to distribute them according to the internal activity schedule. As a rule, it depends on which chronotype you belong to. Larks, for example, are more productive in the mornings, and owls, are "ricocheted" towards evening. Identify for yourself:

Now take the diary. Yes, there are plans in my head, everything should be written down on paper. Select the tasks that will frame your work day. If in the morning you come sluggish and can not get into the working rhythm, do not choose too monotonous work. She overtakes drowsiness and discourages any desire to act actively. Choose tasks are not the most difficult, but one of the first in the list of importance, for example: processing of mail and incoming documents. If you are a leader, then your daily routine should include moments of control - in the morning and in the evening. In the morning, it can all kinds of meetings and meetings, setting up the team on a productive day. In the evening - summing up.

As a rule, we have 2-3 hours for maximum attention and creative effort. So include these tasks for this time. After - a lunch break, which helps to relax.

At lunchtime, women often discuss outside problems, share impressions and recent events. For some it helps to "ventilate", while others completely knock out from the working regime. Try not to discuss those problems, thoughts of which can haunt you for a long time.

On your return from lunch, do not rush to take important business - it interferes with good digestion and is fraught with bad consequences. Take care of those things that do not require you a lot of mental stress.

Then plan the next surge of activity, try to squeeze out from the second half of the day a maximum, the results of which will inspire you on a fruitful working day tomorrow.

Let's sum up:

And before leaving do not forget to make the schedule of the next successful day!