What is the role of birth?

Dreams about childbirth can be seen by any people, regardless of sex and age. Most often this is a positive omen. For the interpretation of dreams it is necessary to try to remember the basic details of the plot and the emotional load in order to add up the overall picture. It is also important to compare the resulting transcripts with events that occur in ordinary life.

What is the role of birth?

Such a dream often promises cardinal changes in life, perhaps it's time to get rid of unnecessary things. If they were painful, then to achieve this goal will have to make a lot of effort. A dream where someone dies during childbirth indicates that you will not be able to establish relationships with relatives. To see the birth of twins means that harmony will come into life, and one can also expect fulfillment of a cherished desire. Still it can be a symbol of presence of a difficult choice which soon should be made. Premature birth is a sign of unexpected luck or profit, which will get without much trouble. There is another interpretation, according to which such a dream promises to lose. If the birth went well - this is an indication of the favors of fate.

What is the dream of someone else's birth?

To see how another woman gives birth, then, in the wake of someone close friends need help and support. Still it can be a sign of having a feeling of depression. Childbirth is a positive sign that indicates the onset of a "white band" in life. It can also be a sign of having some problems between you. Dream interpretation, what the girl's birth is dreamed of, interprets, as a harbinger of trouble. Soon you can feel a large number of additional obligations. If the sister gives birth, then, soon she will have a new life period. Dream interpretation recommends to calmly take any choice.

Why dream of taking birth?

If you were taking birth, it means that soon you will have to become a participant of a minor case at first glance, but the consequences will surprise you. Still it can be a symbol of that you will feel sincere ascent. There is information according to which sleep, where it was necessary to take birth, indicates a chance to show the best qualities of its nature. If you took delivery and have the baby in your arms, then, soon, serious financial problems may arise, which will cause problems in the family life. A dream interpreter, to what the dream of giving birth in animals is dreamed, is interpreted as an unexpected success or a surprise. Taking birth in a cat is a symbol that someone is trying to shift their problems to you. Night vision, where it was necessary to take birth in a dog, is a warning that you can do your own harm.

Why does a girl dream of childbirth?

Such a dream can predict an early pregnancy, and for girls in the state of sleep promises easy births. In some dream books such night vision is a warning of unpleasant the consequences of a love affair. For a woman, the dream where a girl is born indicates a stable financial situation. If such a plot was seen by a young girl, then she should take care of preserving her reputation.

What is the result of contractions or childbirth?

In this case, night vision indicates that you have the ability to find the right decision and quickly achieve your goal. These character traits help you find a common language with relatives and solve important issues at work. Painful contractions - this is a warning that it is worth more carefully monitor your health. The dream of the battles indicates the successful embodiment of the intended goal, to which you spent a lot of time and energy.