Baby wallpapers - ideas for rooms for boys and girls

Selecting children's wallpaper, you should think not only about their decor, but also about the quality and environmental harmlessness of the material. Also take into account the various hobbies of the child, his psycho-emotional state, the interior of the children's room should act on the child soothing and relaxing, without causing him dislike.

Wallpaper for children's room

The chosen color scale of children's wallpaper is very important moment when designing a child's room. Do not seek to use children's wallpaper in the interior, based solely on your own taste and preferences, try to take into account the wishes of the baby. For active children, it is better to choose calm pastel colors that promote relaxation - green, lilac, blue, pink, if the child has a calm character, you can make his room brighter, using orange, yellow shades, even red ones.

For a small children's room, a light, pastel color with a fine pattern or polka dots is suitable. The narrow room looks wider if wallpaper with a horizontal strip is used in it, in the children's room with low ceilings, striped wallpaper with a vertical arrangement looks great, they visually make the walls higher, but for the child's psyche it will be better if the lines are replaced by slightly sinuous ones.

Wallpapers for children's room for boys

Wallpapers in the nursery for the boy should be selected with such a picture and pictures to the child was comfortable and interesting. For the children's room, wallpapers with cars, cars are great - after all the majority of boys are fond of technology, sea travel. If the child is interested in astronomy, then you can pick up wallpaper in the nursery with the stars or with the image of space ships, planets.

Psychologists agree that the drawings on the walls contribute to a more rapid development of the child, the baby, contemplating and exploring pictures, improve the thinking processes. Given the activity of the child, pay attention to the strength of the wallpaper, it's good if they can be easily cleaned or washed, because often the ball games can leave their mark on the walls, so the coating should be quality and resistant to mechanical damage.

Wallpapers for children's room for girls

It is better to decorate a maid's room in pastel colors, using multi-colored inserts, so that it does not look monotonous. Beautiful wallpaper in the nursery are selected with age, they form the image of a room intended for a small princess or a young lady. Most girls like the room, decorated in soft pink, peach, turquoise, lilac tones - they are the basis of the decor.

The images of the heroes of your favorite cartoons and fairy tales, animals and birds stimulate the activity of the child, but you should not overdo it, bright pictures will distract the baby, not allowing you to concentrate. A good solution is to decorate the room using a picturesque landscape, a flower field - so you can draw an accent wall, leaving the rest unicolored or use for them light wallpaper with a small pattern.

Wallpapers for children's room of different sex children

When designing a common bedroom for children of different sexes, it is necessary to take into account the interests of both of them, preferably if the color is neutral, equally positively perceived by both the girl and the boy. You can apply the principle of zoning, combining two types of decoration, while avoiding too sharp, contrasting colors, clearly "male" and "female." It's better if it's combinations of yellow, orange, light green, turquoise, beige tones.

The wallpaper in the room for a girl and a boy can be selected and given the division of the room into a playing area, places for sleep or classes. The theme of the picture in the playing area should be interesting to both kids, for example, for such a child, wallpaper with dinosaurs, owls and other fabulous or real animals will perfectly fit. For a recreation area or employment it is better to use drawings that will not distract, or a pastel, monochromatic color scheme.

What wallpapers to choose for a children's room?

The color scale is of great importance when decorating a room intended for a child, but, no less relevant is the quality of the material. On this depends the health of the child, the development of his aesthetic taste, the desire to spend time in his room. Creating a harmonious interior, you should decide which wallpaper is best for the children's room, based on safety, durability, the possibility of cleaning. Buying children's wallpaper, it is worth checking the certificate of compliance, which will confirm the use for their production of components that meet generally accepted standards.

Children's non-woven wallpaper

Such material has great strength, moisture resistance, is not harmful to health, their basis is cellulosic fibers. Flizeline wallpaper for a child's room is suitable for several parameters:

The drawbacks include the fact that the relief patterns accumulate dust, which must often be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or wet cleaning. They are easily subjected to mechanical damage, which often occurs during children's games. The price of such a finishing material is not cheap, which is not very practical for a room where as the child grows, it is necessary to update the interior decor.

Paper wallpapers for a children's room

A popular, traditional option with beautiful decorative features, which has the largest assortment of colors and patterns, at a low cost. They do not use artificial additives, they do not harm the microclimate, they are the ideal solution as a children's wallpaper. To glue the walls, you do not need to hire professionals, the main thing is that the wall surface should be smooth.

Children, being creative personalities, often embody their talents on the walls, therefore paper children's wallpaper is ideal as an object for drawing. While the baby is growing and developing, painting on the walls is not uncommon, but the paper cloth is not a shame to change, the prices for it are not high. The best choice will be such children's wallpaper in case the child has problems with the lungs or respiratory organs, they will not harm, being hypoallergenic. Modern paper collections are often produced with a special surface treatment, which allows you to wipe them with wet wipes.

Vinyl wallpaper in the nursery

Vinyl wallpapers are one of the most practical, they can be used for a room in which children live, the main thing is that they have a badge of the producer on them, showing that there are no harmful substances in their composition. The micropores located on them allow the material to "breathe", and the upper layer is resistant to mechanical action. Such kind of a finishing material is simple in leaving, it can be subjected to a damp cleaning, with the help of detergents not being chlorine-containing.

To decide which wallpaper in the children's room to use, one should take into account the opinion of specialists who advise using this material with caution. Bad water permeability promotes the development of mold and fungus under them, since some of their species do not have pores and can release formaldehydes into the air. They should be used in a well-ventilated room, well-heated. If nevertheless the choice fell on this kind of wall decoration, then choose vinyl children's wallpaper on a non-woven basis.

Liquid wallpaper in the nursery

This kind of wall decor is great for a kids room, especially convenient and easy to remove from it all kinds of "art", stains and damage. Its composition is safe, it includes textile fiber, silk, cotton, cellulose, mineral additives, a big plus is quick drying, the ability to hide wall defects. This modern type of wall covering has a large number of different color and texture solutions, after its application on the surface there are no seams, it has an anti-static and dust-repellent effect.

Wallpaper for painting in the nursery is very economical, in order to change the color of the walls or to update individual patches, simply apply a new layer of paint, after removing the spoiled part, replacing it or simply smearing it. Such an easy and fast repair of the walls is very important, because children often get the wallpaper dirty, touching them with dirty hands, leaving various grease and other spots. You can change colors many times, to drawbacks can be attributed a high price.

Baby 3D wallpapers for walls

The interior should be bright, stylish and comfortable for the child, when deciding which wallpaper is best for the nursery, pay attention to the novelties. Individuality will be able to bring in the design of the room children's 3D wallpaper . A three-dimensional image, realistic and colorful, helps not only to transform the space, but also helps the child develop fantasy. You can prefer 3d image as a single picture of a small format, and you can draw a whole wall for them. At night, glowing wallpaper for the nursery, used as a background or as a single accent, is interesting.

How to combine the wallpaper in the nursery?

A rich assortment of types of this finishing material pushes to create original combinations, making the interior of the premises more creative and more fun. With the help of a combination of different textures, colors and types, you can not only create interesting design solutions, but also zonate the room, dividing it into areas for games and recreation, at the corners of boys and girls. Bright children's wallpaper for walls can be used as an accent or occupy the top of the surface, so that the whole room does not look too saturated and defiant.

Choose wallpaper for the children's room - a responsible thing, you need to take into account their environmental friendliness, strength, not the ability to collect dust in the volume of the pattern. The positive microclimate of the premises created with their participation and the emotional atmosphere surrounding the child are important. And the most important condition is that they should please the kids, make them happy and promote development.