Buckwheat with egg

Buckwheat - not only nutritious and delicious, but also a useful product. It contains a lot of protein and can practically replace meat. However, not all owners of buckwheat are friable and tasty. Now we will tell you a few original recipes for cooking buckwheat with egg.

Buckwheat and egg recipe



Buckwheat sorted and washed several times in cold water. Then we dry it and fry it for 5 minutes on a dry frying pan, stirring. After that, we add butter butter to it, mix it and pour it in two cups of boiling water. Salting to taste, cover the pan with a lid and cook for 20 minutes on a weak fire. We clean the bulb, shred straw and pass on vegetable oil. Eggs boil separately hard-boiled, cleaned, cut into cubes and, together with onions, we add to the ready-made buckwheat porridge. We decorate the dish with chopped herbs, mix and immediately serve.

Buckwheat with mushrooms and egg



Buckwheat washed, put into a saucepan and poured with water. Then put the dishes on a small fire, throw salt and add a spoonful of vegetable oil. Cook the porridge under the lid until done. This time we process the mushrooms, cut them into large slices and fry in vegetable oil until cooked. Next lay out the buckwheat, stir and warm up about 3 minutes. At the very end we throw thinly sliced ​​smoked meat and chopped chopped boiled eggs. All thoroughly mix and remove from the plate.

Buckwheat with egg in the multivark



Buckwheat beforehand, boil sausages and cut into large slices. Then put a little porridge on the bottom of the multivark, on top of the buckwheat we put sausages and again cover everything with a layer of buckwheat. Eggs beat the mixer with a pinch of salt and evenly fill the mixture with our buckwheat. Close the lid of the device and prepare everything in the multivark at the "Bake" mode.

Pies with buckwheat and egg



Eggs are cleaned and finely cut into cubes. Then we mix them with the buckwheat porridge prepared in advance, fill it with oil, salt and pepper to taste. We roll the dough into a layer, cut out the mug with a mug, pat them with a beaten egg, put the filling in the middle and form the patties. We put them on a baking tray and bake for 10-15 minutes in a preheated oven.

Soup with buckwheat and egg



Potatoes, onions and carrots are cleaned and cut into cubes, and carrots are rubbed on a grater. Then we throw potatoes into a pot of boiling water, and onions and carrots we pass on vegetable oil, and then we throw roast in soup. Buckwheat groats are washed and also put into a saucepan with a bouillon cube. Solim dish to taste and cook until ready for vegetables. We beat the egg and pour it into the soup with a thin trickle, stirring constantly. At the end of cooking, throw a laurel leaf and finely chopped greens.