Sauce from tomato paste for shish kebab

No matter how tasty and soft, you do not get a shish-kebab, and you should definitely serve it with sauce. It is he who will favorably emphasize the taste of meat and make it more appetizing. Today we will teach you how to make a sauce from tomato paste.

The recipe of sauce for shish kebab from tomato paste



A small bulb is cleaned from dry husks and cut into small cubes. Press through a clove of garlic and throw a pinch of sugar and salt. We mix everything thoroughly, sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with olive oil. The contents of the bowl are again stirred and marinated for 10-15 minutes. Without losing time, the tomato paste is bred to a homogeneous consistence with boiled hot water. Then add onion mixture and throw crushed fresh herbs. Ready sauce for shish kebab from tomato paste seasoned to taste with various spices: ground pepper, paprika and mix. Now we insist on it for 15 minutes, and then we pour into the piano and serve it to the fried meat.

Armenian sauce for shish kebab from tomato paste



Tomato paste put in a bucket, diluted with boiled warm water and sent to medium heat. Stirring, boiling the mixture and throwing finely chopped peeled garlic, chopped greens and spices. Boil the sauce for 5 minutes, and then cool it, pour into a piano and serve it to a shish kebab.

Sauce with cilantro and tomato paste



And here's another way to make a delicious sauce from homemade tomato paste. First we take fresh coriander, wash it, shake it and cut it large. Onions and garlic are cleaned, crushed in cubes, put into a bowl, throw chopped large greens and beaten with a blender until smooth. Add a thick tomato paste, dilute the boiled water to the desired consistency and mix. We add the sauce to taste, pour it into a clean jar and put it on the fridge for a few days, and then put it into a piello and serve it for a shish kebab.