Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven - simple, delicious and original recipes for every day

Delicious and hearty hot, which will successfully complement any garnish - baked lazy cabbage rolls in the oven. With the recipes of simple treats every culinary specialist will cope and the simplest products that are available at the nearest store are needed. Complementing the basic composition of cereals or vegetables, you can diversify and transform a simple dish.

How to cook lazy cabbage in an oven?

The most delicious lazy cabbage rolls in the oven - made from fresh cabbage and minced meat, scrolled at home. This basic recipe is called classic, in the absence of other additional ingredients: rice or other cereals, all sorts of vegetables.

  1. Lazy cabbage rolls baked in the oven, according to the main recipe, are small cutlets from cabbage and minced meat, breaded in flour and fried until golden. Only then they are laid out in the form and baked in all kinds of gravy.
  2. The fastest recipe of the dish is prepared in the form of a casserole: layers are put into the form of cabbage and minced meat, poured in gravy and languish in the oven until cooked.
  3. Bake lazy cabbage rolls with fresh cabbage in the oven, less often cook with sour, and experienced culinary experts do not recommend using pekinku - it is too juicy and the products will not get very dense.
  4. Minced meat in the classical version is used pork-beef, modern recipes include a different kind of meat: chicken, turkey, mix several types of meat.

Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven with gravy - recipe

Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven with gravy can be prepared in the company of rescued vegetables. Classical is the version with tomato sauce, it is prepared from pasta or from mors, it is best to add slices of chopped tomato. Original taste is achieved by adding rattunda, garlic and rosemary to the sauce.



  1. In a frying pan, sprinkle onions and carrots.
  2. Half toasted toss in minced meat, grate large cabbage, combine with meat.
  3. Put the cut garlic and the rattunda in the remaining passerie, pour over 5 minutes, add tomato slices.
  4. Fill with mors and water, simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Mince salt, season with salt, pepper, form cutlets, pan.
  6. Fry on high heat until golden brown, put into shape.
  7. Pour tomato sauce, cook lazy cabbage rolls in the oven for 30 minutes at 180.

Lazy cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce

Traditionally baked lazy cabbage rolls in the form of cutlets in the oven - a dish that can be infinitely modified, each time receiving an excellent treat with different tastes. Tomato gravy is successfully replaced by sour cream, the treat goes more juicy, saturated and turns out to be somewhat more satiety than the tomato variant.



  1. Combine the forcemeat with cabbage, chopped onion, egg and spices.
  2. Shape cutlets, fry them, fry them on high heat to a crust.
  3. Put in a form, pour a mixture of water and sour cream.
  4. To simmer the lazy cabbage rolls under the lid in the oven for 30 minutes at 190.

Lazy cabbage rolls with rice in the oven - recipe

If you cook lazy cabbage rolls in an oven in tomato sauce according to a classic recipe, using simple ingredients, you can significantly diversify the daily menu. Rice helps to make the dish more nutritious, for juiciness in the stuffing should be added twisted lard and salvaged onions and carrots.



  1. Combine the minced meat with cabbage, egg, rice, stir.
  2. Spasserovat chopped onions and grated carrots, 1/3 fry in the stuffing.
  3. Add tomato paste to the vegetables, pour in water, 10 minutes.
  4. Mince salt, season, mold chops, roll in flour.
  5. Fry until brown brown, put into shape.
  6. Pour gravy, bake lazy cabbage rolls 30 minutes in the oven at 180.

Casserole "Lazy cabbage rolls" in the oven

Very lazy cabbage rolls in the oven in the form of casseroles - an original idea that will help achieve the traditional taste of your favorite dish, avoiding the tedious process of wrapping products in a cabbage leaf. All products are simple, vegetable ingredients are slightly allowed in the pan, but do not fry, but only soften.



  1. Chop the onions, cut the carrots with mugs, and save in oil.
  2. In the frying pan add the cut cabbage and sweet pepper, tomit under the lid for 5 minutes, add salt.
  3. Mix the minced meat with rice, salt and season with spices.
  4. In an oily form, lay half the vegetables, minced with beans, cover with cabbage.
  5. Combine the mors, sour cream, add salt, pour over the casserole.
  6. Bake, covered with foil, 50 minutes at 200 degrees.
  7. Remove the foil, bake lazy cabbage rolls in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Lazy cabbage rolls with sauerkraut in the oven

Not at all a new recipe for a dish - it's lazy cabbage rolls in the oven. An unusually delicious dish of old Russian cuisine will definitely be enjoyed by all home eaters, as a garnish the boiled potatoes are served with slices or mashed potatoes, you can complement the dish with simple sour cream sauce.



  1. Cut cabbage with chopped onions and garlic slightly in a frying pan, put into mince, add rice.
  2. Salt, pepper, form cutlets, put in a form.
  3. In a dry frying pan, heat the flour, add sour cream, then broth, cook until boiling and thickening.
  4. Season with salt and season with herbs.
  5. Pour over the cabbage leaves.
  6. Roast in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Lazy cabbage rolls with potatoes in the oven

To cook delicious lazy cabbage rolls , a recipe in the oven will help to create an excellent dish along with the garnish. If minced meat will be cooked at home, then cabbage is better to scroll with meat, so cabbage leaves will be juicier, sweet pepper, onions and carrots are added to the stuffing, rice in this variant will not be appropriate.



  1. Scroll through the meat grinder meat, cabbage, onions, carrots, peppers and garlic. Salt, season, mix.
  2. Shape cutlets, put them in a mold.
  3. Cut the potatoes into plates, distribute them among the cabbage rolls.
  4. Mix tomato paste, butter, sour cream and water, salt, season with spices, pour into a mold.
  5. Bake for 40 minutes under foil and brown for 10 minutes under the grill, without the lid.

Lazy cabbage rolls with mushrooms in the oven

Absolutely without meat, baked lean lazy cabbage rolls in the oven, not inferior to the taste or nutritional properties of a traditional dish. For gravy, lean mayonnaise is used, but it can be safely removed and left tomato sauce, thereby reducing the calorie content of the treat. Instead of meat, you can use any fresh mushrooms.



  1. Spice the onions and carrots, mix half the fry with chopped mushrooms, cabbage, rice.
  2. Introduce minced tomato paste, mold balls, roll in flour.
  3. Fry until crusted, put into a mold.
  4. Combine mayonnaise, ketchup, herbs and water. Pour over the cabbage rolls, simmer under the lid in the oven for 30 minutes at 180.

Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven with cheese

Extraordinary delicious lazy cabbage rolls in the oven will be obtained if you bake them under a cheese "cap". Such a treat can be confidently and put on a festive table. Preparation does not take much time, if you use chicken ground as a basis, add a little fat and scrolled vegetables for juiciness: onion, sweet pepper, garlic.



  1. Screw meat, lard, cabbage and 1 pc through a large strainer of meat grinder. onion, carrot and pepper. Salt and season.
  2. Shape cutlets, pan, fry in oil.
  3. Put it in the form.
  4. Fry the remaining, large-chopped vegetables, pour into the cabbage rolls.
  5. Combine the mayonnaise, chopped garlic and water, add, pour into a mold.
  6. Sprinkle with grated cheese, bake for 30 minutes at 180.

Lazy cabbage rolls from the turkey in the oven

The preparation of lazy cabbage rolls in the oven is not a tricky business, all components are scrolled through a meat grinder, laid out in a mold and baked in sauce, as a result, even the leanest meat is soaked with vegetable juice and gravy and will turn out to be incredibly juicy and appetizing. The dish from turkey can be confidently called dietary, sour cream or low-fat cream is suitable for gravy.



  1. Combine the forcemeat with cabbage, chopped onion, egg.
  2. Introduce sour cream, stir, throw a spoonful of flour, salt, season with pepper.
  3. Shape the cutlets, wrap them, put them in a mold.
  4. Pour the cream, bake under the lid for 40 minutes at 170.