What to sow after potatoes for soil improvement?

The cultivation of potatoes has long become a kind of national sport for most of our compatriots: first the entire family "team" is planted, then selflessly struggles with Colorado beetles and in the end amicably collect the harvest. If we consider that in most cases there is a fairly small piece of land in the gardener's assets, the task becomes more complicated at times, because you need to grow potatoes and not completely deplete the land. What to sow in the winter after potatoes for soil improvement will tell our article.

What can I sow after harvesting potatoes?

At least partially replenish the resource of soil spent during cultivation of potatoes, at the expense of sowing plant-siderates: fazelia, mustard, rye, oats, wiki, lupine, etc. You can sow them both singly, and all together. Legumes will help enrich the earth with nitrogen and nutrients, and mustard will become a reliable barrier for a potato-loving potato-loving potato. For maximum effect, sowing can be combined with the application of organic fertilizers to the site.

How to plant mustard in autumn after potatoes?

To sow mustard (as well as any other siderata ), you can proceed after the crop is fully harvested and the potato tops, that is, in late September - early October. Seeds of mustard are placed in the furrows made on the dug up beds or simply distributed over the surface of the soil, then sprinkling with a thin layer of compost. Before the onset of frost, mustard has time not only to ascend, but also to grow enough. It is not necessary to mow down and repair it in the autumn - the underground part of the plants will successfully rot before the spring, and the ground will act as a mulch, protecting the fertile part of the soil from freezing and drying out.