Plum wine at home

Homemade plum wine is a drink for an amateur. It has a bright aroma, an unusual warm taste and is in perfect harmony with meat dishes and various desserts. Today we will tell you how to make plum wine yourself, at home.

Recipe for plum wine



Plums, not rinsing, we treat from the bones, we will shift the fruits into the enameled tank and carefully spread out our hands. We pour the resulting pulp with water, mix it and put the dishes for fermentation in a warm place. In a few days, the liquid will be drained, and the mash will be collected into a tissue bag and carefully squeezed out all the juice from it. We connect it with the liquid, we throw sugar and pour the drink into a glass bottle. We put a rubber glove on top and clean it for 3 weeks in a cool place. Ready-made wine is filtered and poured over beautiful bottles.

Recipe for fortified plum wine at home


For syrup:


Ripe plums wash, take out of them bones. From sugar and drinking water, we prepare the syrup and fill them with berries. Cover the lid and wrap it in a wool blanket. After 8 hours, carefully merge the liquid, weld another portion of the syrup and fill them with berries. After cooling, pour the liquid into the same container as the first portion of the syrup. Add alcohol and leave the drink under the lid for about 2 weeks. Then we strain the wine, distribute it in bottles and store it in a cool place.

Preparation of spicy plum wine at home



Without washing berries, we take out all the bones from them. We put the processed fruits in an enameled basin, with half a liter of water and stir the contents of the mortar. Next, add another 1.5 liters of water, throw the cloves, sugar and laurel leaves. Put the dishes on an average fire and cook for 15 minutes, taking off foam foam. Next, remove the pelvis, cool the contents and squeeze out the resulting mass of all liquid using a press. We pour the squeezes with the remaining amount of water, mix everything and press it again. We mix both portions, strain the drink through a sieve, pour into a bottle, close the lid and remove it for 15 days in a cooler place.

Wine from plum compote



Berry compote must first be filtered to get rid of the fruit. Now let's make the leaven: one glass of filtered liquid is heated to 30 degrees and we throw there raisins with sugar. Cover the gauze and put it for 4 hours in the heat. After the leaven we pour into the jar and add the rest of the compote to it. On top we put on the lid with a hydraulic seal and remove the container for 1 week in a warm place. Then we pour the drink, pour it into bottles and forget about it for 3 months.

Wine from plum jam



Pour water into the pan and send the dishes to a strong fire. After boiling, remove it and cool the contents to a temperature of 25 degrees. We put plum jam in a three-liter jar, throw unwashed raisins and pour all the boiled water. On top we will put on the cap nylon and put the container in a warm and dark place for 2 weeks. As soon as the surface rises the pulp, remove it carefully, and strain the liquid into a clean container. Put on the rubber glove and put it back in the heat. Next, plum wine is filtered, poured into clean bottles and tightly cork stoppers. To drink completely ripe, let's forget about it for about 40 days.