Dystopia of the kidney

Congenital diseases are hardest to treat, although they are rare. Dystopia of the kidney refers precisely to such anomalies, the disease is a pathological change in the position of the body at the stage of intrauterine development. In this case, the displaced kidney is fixed in the wrong position and does not have mobility.

There are 4 types of disease in accordance with the abnormal arrangement of the organ.

Pelvic kidney dystopia

In this case, the kidney is located between the rectum and the uterus (in women), the bladder (in men). Blood vessels of the organ are spaced from the internal iliac artery, and the ureter is shortened.

Lumbar dystopia of the kidneys

This kind of congenital pathology is more common than others (about 67%).

Dystopic kidney is localized slightly below the normal position, because of which the nephroptosis can be mistakenly diagnosed. However, in this situation, the organ is also twisted around its own axis (forward pelvis).

It should be noted that the lumbar dystopia of the right kidney predominantly develops, since the left paired organ is anatomically located slightly lower in level relative to the spinal column.

Iliac dystopia of one or both kidneys

Often, the described type of illness is mistaken for an ovarian cyst or a bulky oncological lesion in the abdominal cavity. This is due to the fact that the dystopic kidney is located in the ileum and is easily palpated with fingers.

Subdiaphragmatic or thoracic kidney dystopia

Very unusual form of pathology. With this type of dystopy, the blood vessels and ureter extend considerably. The kidney is located very high, in the area of ​​the chest cavity, because of which there are erroneous suspicions of an abscess or a lung tumor, a digested pleurisy , a cyst of the mediastinum.