How to drink brandy?

Cognac is a strong drink of amber-golden color, containing alcohol, with an exquisite vanilla aroma and harmonious soft taste. You can appreciate all its merits, only after learning how to drink brandy correctly. This is what we are going to tell you about right now!

How should I drink cognac?

Cognac is not a drink drink, so it is customary to drink it in a relaxed atmosphere apart from food, savoring and enjoying every sip. The bottle is best opened for half an hour before consumption, so that the aroma spreads throughout the room. Often the question arises: do you drink cognac warm or cold? Remember that you do not need to cool this drink, its temperature should be slightly above room temperature. Drinking it is taken from special glasses , which are called "sniffers". They are made of smooth clear glass or crystal, have a pot-bellied shape and resemble a glass on a leg, which narrows sharply to the top. "Sniffers" are of different capacities from 70 to 400 grams. So, brandy poured on the very bottom and keep it so that the leg is located between the ring finger and the middle finger, and the bottom was in the palm of your hand. After pouring a drink, you should touch your outer wall with a finger and if there is an imprint on the other side, then you have a good quality cognac in your hands. Now we bring the glass to our lips, but do not drink, but first we simply inhale its fragrance. Having enjoyed it, we taste the drink taste with small sips, feeling how it dissolves in the mouth and reveals its unique taste.

What is better to drink cognac?

How to drink cognac with lemon? You do not need to bite cognac, especially lemon, since it only dulls the smell and taste of the drink. It is better to put a small piece of chocolate under your tongue, and as soon as it begins to melt, drink cognac. Cognac is perfectly combined with orange juice and tonic. It is not recommended to snack this drink with grapes, in order to avoid further undesirable consequences. In some cases it is allowed to drink it with ice, but it is best, of course, to use cognac in its pure form.

How to drink coffee with cognac?



This method consists in brewing. To do this, take a spoonful of coffee and tamp it in a fine strainer. Top with a little cognac and pour out the remaining coffee. Now we have a sieve over the cup and slowly pour out the right amount of hot water. Cover the drink for a few minutes with a saucer, and then put sugar to taste, mix and immediately drink with small sips.

African recipe for coffee with cognac



To make one serving of this drink, put a bit of ground coffee into the Turk, add the cocoa and throw a bit of ground cinnamon. Then fill it all with steep boiling water and cook on the slowest fire for 3 minutes. We make sure that the liquid does not boil. After that, we pour the drink into a cup, put sugar to taste and pour in 1.5 teaspoons of cognac. Stir and serve a fragrant hot drink to the table.

How to drink cognac with cola?

Nowadays it has become very popular to mix cognac with cola. This cocktail is served in many clubs and restaurants.



So, fill the glass with crushed ice, and then pour in cognac and chilled cola in the same proportions. Ready to drink a refreshing drink through the tube in small sips.