How useful is the lemon?

Lemon is a very interesting Indian plant, which, we think, we all know very well. But the lemon still has something to surprise the modern person.

Of course, lemons should be eaten in winter - colds, flu, sore throats, runny nose and temperature, life in our latitudes itself predetermined what a lemon is useful. This representative of citrus was fixed in our brain, as a remedy for respiratory diseases and assistant for beriberi. But this is just insignificant, in comparison with what can be useful lemon for the body!

Vitamin composition and application

Let's start with vitamin C - 100 g of lemon contains 40 mg of ascorbic acid. This substance is a natural antioxidant that protects the body from the aging processes, which, in a more literate language, protects against accumulation of free radicals inside us. Also vitamin C is a preventive tool against the effects of radioactive radiation.

Of course, 40 mg of ascorbic acid will not surprise us. This is only 33% of the daily rate, but the beauty of the lemon is not in this. In the composition of lemon, a very fragile vitamin C, it manages to be completely preserved even with prolonged storage - lemons remain equally useful both in winter and in summer. In addition, consuming an "ascorbic" lemon, you protect yourself from wrinkles, cholera and typhoid - no matter how surprising such a series might appear, but it is so.

The next important substance in the lemon is potassium. Lemon contains 163 mg of potassium per 100 g. Potassium is very important for the cardiovascular system and kidneys. With a normal potassium content, the heart muscle has good conductivity of nerve impulses, so lemon can be called the prevention of heart attack and stroke. And as for the kidneys, we know that potassium is responsible for removing the fluid, if it is too small, swelling begins, which is very harmful not only in terms of external indicators.

Lemon, though sour to taste, but alkalizes our inner environment. And this means not only better digestion, but also prevention of cancer. In fact, whether a lemon for a liver is useful, it is possible to not even doubt at all - the liver needs to be cleaned, after all all time uninterruptedly it deduces very dangerous substances from our organism. And the best way to detoxify the liver than a lemon is difficult to find.

In addition, the lemon is rich in Group B vitamins (and this will save you from dandruff, normalizes the nervous system, helps with insomnia) and vitamin A (improves skin and eyesight).

What is useful lemon for weight loss?

You've probably heard that water with lemon helps lose weight, and even real fat burning. Of course, there are a lot of useful properties of lemon when losing weight, but you do not need to put this fruit on special hopes - a lemon can not take, and relieve you of excess weight.

Lemon water is useful, above all, due to the fact that such a diet with this drink teaches you to drink. That's right - many people cut their food down to the toughest limits, but forget that they can not lose weight without water.

Actually, water together with lemon conduct detoxification of the body - fats that split under the influence of training, reduced caloric intake, can be removed, and can stay and poison the body. They will be withdrawn only if there is enough fluid for this to "wash" them out of you.

In addition, the lemon enriches you with all the above-mentioned useful properties, only one fruit a day can serve as a substitute for a whole multivitamin complex.

But do not expect that from eating lemons you will lose weight, and do not need to replace the whole their diet is only lemons.

Lemon - useful properties and contraindications

Alas, in addition to the useful properties of lemon, one must also consider contraindications. Do not get carried away by lemon, if you have sensitive enamel, problems with gums or teeth, and if you eat this citrus, be sure to rinse the mouth with water.

It is not necessary to eat lemons for those who suffer from allergies to citrus fruits, as well as those who have an unhealthy appetite from the sour taste of lemon. Well, and, of course, extremely careful you have to be the one who has any gastrointestinal diseases.