Chicory during breastfeeding

During pregnancy, many women try to adhere to a special diet consisting of healthy foods. During this period and during breastfeeding, one of the foods that must be removed from their diet is coffee. A real lover of this drink is not easy to abandon its use. A delicious and delicious substitute for coffee is chicory.

Useful properties of chicory

Since it does not contain caffeine, chicory for breastfeeding is allowed to be used as a substitute for coffee. This plant is widely used in medicine and is characterized by its rich composition of various components: B vitamins, iron, potassium, mineral salts, pectin, carotene, organic acids, tannic and protein substances, and resins. Therefore, chicory for nursing mothers is an indispensable product.

Since this medicinal plant has a beneficial effect on the intestines, the pancreas nervous system and speeds up the metabolism, chicory can be quite consumed by feeding instead of coffee.

Taking chicory leads to normalization of the intestine and especially helps pregnant women with frequent or regular constipation. Healing decoction stimulates the activity of the stomach, eliminates heartburn and increases appetite.

Drink chicory does not affect the baby only if it is not allergic to food. If after a while the baby does not develop an allergy, therefore, the chicory of nursing mother can continue to be consumed. The main thing is to drink it moderately in small quantities. After all, chicory is a medicinal herb that exerts a strong enough effect on the body.

Contraindications for use

When a question arises, is it possible to drink chicory for feeding, first of all, we need to study all its properties and effects on the woman's body. Currently, scientific research, such as chicory in breastfeeding affects the body of a woman and a child, were not conducted. Many lactating women use a "coffee" drink and do not note that chicory during lactation is acting negatively. Although with all the beneficial properties, it is believed that chicory during lactation is not recommended. Therefore, to ensure quality breastfeeding of the baby and avoid harm to one's health, it is necessary to consult a doctor, you can drink chicory to a nursing mother or not. The specialist will make a decision after examining the patient and conducting a study for the presence of diseases that may progress under the influence of chicory. Doctors unequivocally claim that chicory is harmful to the baby, but whether it is possible to feed chicory, the opinions of experts differ.

The effect of chicory on lactation

In most cases, chicory during lactation can be used as a decoction. Chicory for nursing mothers is a very important and necessary drink. It has a beneficial effect on the liver and improves the functioning of the heart, and also speeds up the removal of toxins from the body. The medical specialist examines whether the chicory of the nursing mother is possible and, if necessary, prescribes its reception.

Chicory breastfeeding mother can be used in the form of a variety of infusions and decoctions of it. In addition to its medicinal properties, chicory is distinguished by its lactogonic properties. After a positive decision, is it possible to drink chicory and drink regularly from the grass, many mothers are experiencing a rush of milk. However, it should be noted that you need to use a drink from soluble chicory, and not a regular coffee drink with chicory, which contains real coffee. If the baby still has a negative reaction, the drink based on the root and leaves of the grass should be excluded.