Acute enterocolitis

Acute enterocolitis is an inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, which is combined with a lesion of the gastric mucosa. Most often it occurs as a result of improper eating, taking certain types of medication and not following the rules of personal hygiene. In the absence of timely and competent therapy, such a disease quickly turns into a recurring chronic form, and the patient's body suffers from a deficiency in the supply of nutrients.

Symptoms of acute enterocolitis

With acute enterocolitis, the symptoms appear suddenly. They are expressed in the intensification of peristalsis with the formation of gases and strong rumbling, as well as in swelling and heaviness in the abdominal region. After a while more specific signs of enterocolitis join the symptomatology:

In acute pseudomembranous enterocolitis arising after antibiotic therapy, pain in the area around the navel and general malaise with muscle weakness and headaches may also appear.

Treatment of acute enterocolitis

During treatment of acute enterocolitis, patients are prescribed a strict bed rest. In severe cases, hospitalization is indicated. In acute infectious enterocolitis, therapy is started by washing the stomach with a weak solution of soda. With severe symptoms of intoxication and persistent vomiting, the patient is given:

In the early days it is necessary to carry out antibacterial treatment. The patient should take Synthomycin or Levomycetin. When staphylococcal infection is best used to treat Erythromycin.

With acute enterocolitis, a strict diet is indicated. Be sure to completely stop eating for 2 days. You can only drink liquid in small portions - warm tea without sugar with black currant juice or lemon juice. Strongly weakened patients are allowed to add dry red wine to the tea. When the condition improves on the second day, the tea can be replaced with apples non-acid grades. Of these, you need to make a mash.

In the next few days, the diet is gradually expanded, introducing products that do not irritate the intestines. It:

Follow this diet should be 7-10 days.