Yeast fungi in feces

Yeast fungi in feces are a symptom of intestinal candidiasis. Doctors refer the disease to varieties of dysbiosis. The causes of pathological growth of the colony of yeast fungi in the intestine can be:

Analysis of feces for yeast mushrooms

To determine the feces of yeast fungi in the stool, a complex analysis is carried out. The transferred material is placed in a nutrient medium. Candida fungi begin to multiply rapidly, and their conglomeration soon becomes visible even without a microscope. In addition, pathogenic microorganisms can be detected by a blood test by determining the level of immunoglobulins, as well as candida antibodies. It is informative to study urine, in which traces of the vital activity of fungi can be found.

Attention! To suspect the presence of fungus can be if the contents of the intestine, getting into the toilet, poorly washed away, long remaining on the surface of the water.

Yeast fungi in the feces of an adult - treatment

The tactics of treatment for the detection of yeast fungi in the feces of an adult is determined by the doctor and depends on the symptomatology of the disease, the clinical form of the disease. The specialist also takes into account possible complications if the patient has other chronic ailments.

Therapy includes:

  1. The use of antimycotic drugs.
  2. Use of immunocorrecting agents.
  3. Conducting therapeutic measures to adjust background diseases.

With a non-invasive form of candidiasis, antifungal drugs are effective:

Together with the main course of therapy, probiotics , enzyme agents are usually prescribed.