Canadian Sphynx - care and content, advice for beginners

What kind of breed is the Canadian Sphynx, the care and maintenance of the animal, and other important nuances, must be known to the person who decided to have such a pet. Unusual, these pets are not only because of appearance, but because of the characteristics of care and maintenance.

How to care for the Canadian Sphynx?

To the pet did not hurt and looked beautiful, it is important to carefully look after him. Due to the lack of wool, the list of necessary procedures, in comparison with conventional breeds, includes special rules. It is recommended that the Canadian Sphynx cat buy special care products and it is better to do this after going to the vet, so that he individually selects the appropriate formulations.

Caring for an adult Canadian Sphynx

Many breed animals of this breed because of the lack of wool, but their content will imply several mandatory procedures.

  1. Leather. On the body are many glands that secrete a special protective substance and make the skin dirty. To remove dirt, you can use wipes that do not contain alcohol. You can use special shampoos and cream-conditioners.
  2. Eyes. The Canadian Sphynx, whose care and maintenance are based on important rules, does not have eyelashes, so the eyes will accumulate pollution. The norm is considered to be clear or brown discharge. Wipe the eyes is permitted by tea leaves, chamomile solution or boiled water. There are also special means in pet stores.
  3. Teeth. To avoid tartar and plaque, it is necessary to clean teeth and gums with a special brush. You can use the feed for cleaning your teeth, and the chicken neck is still doing well.
  4. Ears. The Canadian Sphynx breed has large ears, in which brown discharge often accumulates. Cleaning is done once a week, using a cotton swab. After cleaning, the ears should be treated with a special powder.
  5. Claws. Pets need to cut their claws using sharp pincers. Remove only the transparent tip
  6. Tail. Care involves regular rubbing the outer side of the tail to remove the fat that escapes from the glands. Use degreasing agents. When acne occurs, they must be removed.
  7. Bathing. The Canadian Sphynx, whose care and content implies the implementation of water procedures, should bathe once a month. To accustom to the procedure is still from 1.5 months. spending it twice a week. The water should be about 38 degrees. It is not recommended to water the pet from the shower and it is better to use a ladle for this purpose. Apply the shampoo, and then, walk through the contaminated places with a sponge. All wash and wrap the pet in the towel.

Caring for the Canadian Sphynx kitten

If a little Sphynx kid appeared in the house, you need to know some peculiarities of its content so that it grows healthy and beautiful.

  1. Kittens of the Canadian Sphynx are afraid of the cold and for its comfortable existence the temperature should be about +25 degrees. Another way out is to buy or sew clothes for an animal.
  2. Kids need the same care and maintenance, as well as adults, so all of the above rules are relevant.
  3. With the kitten you need to play, otherwise he will seek entertainment on his own, for example, he will start throwing garbage, digging in pots, hanging on curtains and so on.

Nutrition of the Canadian Sphynx

Proper nutrition is important for cats, so you need to formulate a diet responsibly. If the house has a Canadian Sphynx, care and maintenance will be based on a number of features:

  1. Animals spend a lot of energy on body heating, so they should give more carbohydrates than other breeds.
  2. Food for Canadian sphinxes can be used ready from the store or give natural food. It is allowed and mixing of both variants.
  3. Adult cats are fed 2-3 times. The daily rate of food should be 5% of its weight, this is about 200-250 grams of protein and 100 grams of carbohydrate food.

What to feed the Canadian Sphinx?

If the owner decided to give the pet ready feed, then it is important to consider that they select it depending on the age. To feed the Canadian Sphynx, you need to choose a premium food, for example: Acana , Royal Canin , etc. Sell ready-made food in dry or wet form. Having homes of the Canadian Sphynx, care and maintenance of it on a natural diet should take into account that 70-80% of the menu - meat and meat products. The rest includes vegetables, dairy products and cereals. When creating the menu, consider:

  1. Daily: raw beef or veal and clean water.
  2. Four times a week: boiled fillet or rabbit without bones and skins. Plus, the addition is in the form of dry brewer's yeast.
  3. Three times a week: boiled by-products (chicken and beef), sea boiled and peeled fish, cereals, vegetables (cauliflower, carrots, pumpkins and cucumbers), fruits and greens.
  4. Twice a week: fermented milk products of low fat content, yolk and cheese.

What to feed the kitten of the Canadian Sphynx?

Feeding babies should start from 1.5-2 months. The breed of cats of the Canadian Sphynx requires compliance with several rules:

  1. Give the baby can beef in raw or boiled form, cottage cheese, boiled quail eggs, special dry food for kittens, but it should be previously softened in boiled water.
  2. Up to three months, the pet is fed 5-6 times a day, and then, the amount should be reduced.
  3. The animal should receive all useful substances, so please note that the diet should be balanced.
  4. From three months you can add boiled fish, greens and cereals.

Contents of the Canadian Sphynx

To the animal was comfortable, it is important to provide it with everything you need. The main things are a tray and bowls for eating and drinking. A cat or cat of the Canadian Sphynx should have a place for rest. In addition, it is recommended to buy a scratching machine so that the pet does not spoil the furniture. For the Canadian Sphynx, care and maintenance implies compliance with safety measures, so remove far away poisonous plants, chemicals, wires and small items.

Biting of Canadian Sphynxes

In cats, the first estrus is observed in 6-7 months, and males reach puberty at 8 months. Finding out what distinguishes the Canadian Sphynx from other breeds, it is worth noting that physically the continuation of the genus of the pet will be ready only after 2-3 estrus. It is best to organize the binding, when the animal will be 1,5-2 years old. There are some rules for implementing a successful mating:

  1. It is better to mate with velvet sphinxes or brushes with wool. This is important in order to avoid the occurrence of genetic diseases.
  2. You can not happen to animals that have not previously knit, it is best to use an experienced cat.
  3. It is necessary to bring the female to the male territory.
  4. The content rules indicate that the best time for mating is the third day of estrus. Remain animals should be together for 2-3 days.
  5. During mating, the cat loudly murres, and the cat screams, and after the completion of the process the "man" starts to lick, and the "woman" - to ride on the back.

Pregnancy of the Canadian Sphinx

When a cat hatches offspring, its behavior can change and this must be treated with understanding.

  1. During pregnancy, the Sphinx becomes demanding of the owners' affection. There are animals that behave aggressively, but this is a temporary phenomenon.
  2. In the description of the Canadian Sphynx during pregnancy, it is worth including such a sign as changing habits in the diet. The animal can refuse many products. The amount of food is doubled.
  3. Duration of pregnancy is approximately 63 days ± 3-5 days. A Canadian Sphynx can have from 1 to 12 kittens.

Birth of the Canadian Sphinx

To the birth of offspring should be prepared in advance. You need to have a house or other such place so that the cat can comfortably accommodate.

  1. A few days before the "X-time" the animal will behave uneasily.
  2. When the fights begin, it will be hard and often to breathe, lie on your side, stretching your paws, and mewling pitifully. Duration of labor is approximately 3-6 hours.
  3. The Canadian Sphynx breed of cats requires constant attention from the owner during childbirth, the beginning of which will be evidenced by the water drainage. The next kitten will appear in 20-30 minutes. The cat eats the latter and carefully licks every baby.
  4. There are cases when the birth activity stops and resumes in 12-24 hours. This is considered normal.
  5. If the kittens are born quickly, then you need to release them from the shell yourself and use gauze to clean your nose and mouth of mucus.
  6. The first weeks it is important to closely monitor the status of the newly mummy. The temperature should not be more than 39.4 degrees and allowed within 10 days of a reddish or dark green color.

Diseases of the Canadian Sphynx

Many owners are frightened by the elevated body temperature of such pets and frequent heartbeats, but for them this is considered the norm. Features of the Canadian Sphynx consist in the fact that he has a predisposition to a number of diseases:

  1. Do not overfeed the pet, because there is a risk of obesity.
  2. These animals are subject to various dermatological diseases. On their skin can appear acne, dermatitis and others.
  3. Sphynxes can have problems with the tail section of the spine, with eyelids and gums. If any deviations from the normal state are found, it is necessary to refer the pet to the doctor.

Vaccinations for the Canadian Sphinx

To protect your animal from various diseases, vaccination is used. The first injections are done at the age of 1.5-4 months. First a blue Canadian sphinx or a pet of another color should undergo deworming. Two types of vaccines are used: monovalent and multivalent. The first option is designed to protect against one disease, and the second - for several. Such vaccines are considered to be the most useful:

  1. "Quadricat" . Combination drug against rabies, panleukopenia and respiratory viruses.
  2. Leucoriphyles . This drug resists the viruses of infectious panleukopenia and respiratory disorders.