How to tie a sling with rings?

Slings with rings are considered one of the most practical and universal varieties of slings. They do not require special tying skills and are suitable for both babies and grown-up children.

How to dress sling on rings?

This model is very popular, but many mothers are disappointed in their convenience. This is due to the wrong putting on the sling. Here is a step-by-step instruction for sling with rings:

  1. Sling must be straightened, and then put in a neat accordion, taking the ring in one hand, and the tail in the other.
  2. Pass the tail through both rings, and then in the opposite direction only through the second.
  3. Straighten the fabric in the rings. For this, some tissue is pulled and collected into small folds.
  4. Select the shoulder on which the sling will be, and put the opposite hand and head into it. The tail and rings should be in front.
  5. Straighten the fabric on the back.
  6. Collect all excess tissue in your hand closer to the ring and gently tighten the sling.

If all goes well, the sling will tightly fit the back and chest. So you can walk all day and carry the baby in a sling until you need to pack it.

How to tie a sling with rings?

To determine how to tie a sling with rings, you need to take into account the age of the baby. For the youngest children, the "cradle" or "Heart to Heart" position is suitable. Older children can already be planted in a large number of ways: face to yourself or to the world, on your side and even behind your back.

But whatever the landing, the main thing is to properly prepare the sling. From the situation when the sling tightly tightens the body, you need to pull the upper ring, and the fabric will loosen. For horizontal position, the fabric stretched from below should reach the thigh, for the vertical one - up to the waist. It remains only to straighten the folds and put the child.

Even if you can not cope with the rings, do not refuse the slings, try other options, for example, a backpack-sling .