15 incredible animals with genetic mutations

Sometimes nature makes simply monstrous mistakes. Look and be horrified.

Kid-Octopus, winged cat, three-headed frog and other fantastic mutant animals in our collection.

The two-faced cat of Frank-i-Louis

The cat named Frank-i-Louis was born two-faced: he had two heads, three blue eyes, two noses and two mouths. Cats with such a defect usually die right after birth, but Frank-i-Louis, thanks to good care, lived to be 15 years old and was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as a long-liver among two-headed cats.

Winged cat

Winged cat, like an angel, lives in the Chinese city of Sanyang. Two fluffy wings are the result of cat's skin asthenia, a disease in which the animal's skin becomes very elastic, easily stretches and forms folds, similar to wings. These folds, by the way, can easily and painlessly fall off.

Insect Rabbit

Rabbit without ears was born in Japan near Fukushima, after a catastrophic earthquake and explosions at nuclear power plants. Local residents believed that the absence of ears in an animal is a consequence of radiation exposure. However, scientists believe that radiation here is nothing: rabbits are born in ecologically clean regions. Most likely, we are talking about a rare genetic defect.

Three-headed frog

A frog mutant was found in the Great District. Children playing on the lawn near the kindergarten stumbled upon a fantastic amphibian with three heads and six paws. Educators placed an unusual animal in a pond on the territory belonging to the garden, but soon it escaped.


On one Croatian farm was born a kid with 8 legs. In addition, the goat-octopus is a hermaphrodite: it has both female and male sexual organs. Most likely, twins were supposed to be born, but there was some genetic failure.

Goat with a human face

An unusual kid was born on one of the farms in Malaysia. According to its owner:

"When I saw him, I was shocked, because instead of muzzle I saw a nose, eyes, his short legs - everything looked more like a small man covered with wool"

Despite all the efforts of veterinarians, the goat died a few hours after its birth.

Frog mutants

These frogs were found in the forest near Krasnouralsk, not far from the abandoned chemical plant. One of them has five fingers on the front paws, and six fingers on the hind legs, while the usual frog has four and five fingers, respectively. The second amphibian is even more unusual: it is partially depigmented, so it looks transparent. Through the transparent skin you can see how her heart works.

Piglet with monkey face

A strange pig, more like a primate, was born on a Cuban farm. His mother, brothers and sisters look absolutely normal. As for the monkey-pig, he probably fell prey to a genetic mutation.

Snake with foot

A resident of China discovered in her bedroom a strange creature: a snake with a clawed paw. The frightened woman killed the reptile with a boot, alcoholized it and took it to a local university.

One-eyed albino shark

This one-eyed premature ankle-shark albino was found in the belly of a shark caught by fishermen in the Gulf of California. Scientists have identified a rare congenital anomaly called "cyclopia" in the fetus. Even if the fishermen did not kill his mother, he would die right after birth.

Two-Headed Piglet

Two-headed piggy Ditto was born on a farm in Iowa in 1997. The pig had three eyes, one of which he had not seen, and two pennies. He hardly moved, constantly falling, so for him they made a special stroller. Most pigs with a similar anomaly die right after birth, but Ditto has lived almost a year.

Duck with 4 paws

A duckling named Stumpy was born four-handed. When walking, he used only two paws, the other pair just hung around idly. Once, one of the duck's spare legs was damaged and had to be amputated. The second extra leg subsequently fell off by itself, and Stumpy became a regular duck.

Kitten Cyclops

This one-eyed kitten was born in the Chinese province of Sichuan. Like most animals born with cyclopia, he was not viable and lived only a few hours.

A cross between a crocodile and a buffalo

An absolutely fantastic creature gave birth to a buffalo from the village of High Rock in Thailand. The newborn calf was more like a crocodile than a buffalo. Unfortunately, he lived only a few hours, but was very pleased with the locals, who saw in the birth of the mutant a happy omen.


This peacock is called a half-albino, because its tail is half-white, and half-colored. This is a rare case when, as a result of a genetic mutation, something beautiful has appeared.