Gastric Tumor

Tumor of the stomach is a neoplasm that affects one of the layers of the stomach. It can be either benign or malignant. Endoscopic and X-ray methods, ultrasound or MRI of abdominal organs are used to detect tumors of any kind and size.

Benign tumors of the stomach

Benign stomach tumors are formations characterized by very slow growth and relatively favorable prognosis. The most popular species of such outgrowths are:

The main symptoms of benign stomach tumors include:

Treatment of such neoplasms is only surgical.

Malignant tumors of the stomach

Malignant tumor in the stomach is a cancerous formation that has lost the ability to differentiate. It poses a danger to human health. In the early stages, this disease manifests itself in a decrease in appetite and pain after eating in the upper abdomen. In the late stages of the patient develops a tumor intoxication, various types of anemia and there is a strong weakness.

Epithelioid smooth muscle or neuroendocrine tumor of the stomach and malignant formations from the lymphatic tissue only through surgery. Before or after their administration, a patient may be assigned several chemotherapy or radiotherapy procedures.