Echinococcosis - symptoms

Echinococci are tapeworms that parasitize, mainly in the intestinal tract of dogs and wolves. The larvae of these worms, when ingested, can cause a dangerous disease such as echinococcosis.

Man, as a rule, becomes an intermediate link (master), becoming infected when eating meat of domestic animals, herbs and vegetables that have not gone through the necessary hygienic or thermal treatment. Also, infection can occur from communication with dogs (the ultimate host), through unwashed hands.

The incubation period and localization of parasites

Symptoms of echinococcosis in humans can begin to manifest themselves after 9-10 weeks, and after a few years. It depends on the place where echinococcus is located. Most often, the liver is exposed to this disease. Less often, when ingested into lymph and blood, echinococcosis of the brain and lungs may develop. The most rarely found echinococcosis of the kidneys, mammary glands and bones.

Development of the disease

Echinococcosis is a cyst that, depending on the type of echinococcus (Echinococcus granulosus or Echinococcus multilocularis), can be single and large enough, or represent whole clusters of small formations.

The first stage

In the first stage - asymptomatic - most often the disease is detected by accident, tk. There are no obvious symptoms of echinocosis. The only sign, rarely seen, may be the appearance of urticaria .

The second stage

This period is characterized by an increase in echinococcosis cysts and such signs as weakness, lethargy, pain in the area of ​​the cyst location are manifested. When probed, it can be felt as an elastic and elastic formation. In the case of liver infection with echinococcosis, there may be:

With echinococcosis of the brain, the general symptoms are supplemented:

In general, echinococcosis of the brain, according to its symptoms, is very similar to the symptom of a malignant brain tumor.

Symptoms of echinococcosis of the lungs at this stage of the disease are:

The third stage of echinococcosis

It occurs in 10-12% of cases of this disease, and proceeds in a complicated form. With the defeat of various organs, the main provocative symptom is the formation of pus in the cyst and its bacterial infection.

With cysts in the liver occurs:

Characteristic of the occurrence of liver failure. Cyst breakthrough is possible, with the allocation of contents into the abdominal cavity.

With echinococcosis of the lungs, the cyst usually breaks. This, in turn, leads to strangulation when coughing, due to the ingress of membranes and small blisters of cysts into the bronchi. The body temperature rises to 39 degrees and lasts for a long time. If help is not timely, it leads to a powerful allergic reaction of the body and a lethal outcome.

Symptoms of echinococcosis of the brain in this period are manifested in the depression of the mental and mental state. This is expressed in:

Also there are seizures of epilepsy, which, over time, cause a weakening of the muscle tone and motor activity of the extremities. Echinococcosis of the brain is difficult to diagnose, therefore, in addition to the blood test, spinal puncture is also used.