Backpack Sling

Sling-backpack, it's an ergonomic backpack - it's a carry-over for children with a lot of lyamochek, thongs, fasteksov and dense belt. In modern stores, you can find a huge number of transfers of a similar type, for example - a backpack kangaroo. In fact, these two products are fundamentally different. As for kangaroos, the opinion of doctors is the same - this carry can harm a baby's health. While the sling-backpack has a number of design features and allows you to place the child in the right, that is, physiological position. So, the problem is, what to buy - a sling-backpack or a kangaroo, should not puzzle you. But except for a sling-backpack, there is also a sling with rings, a sling-scarf and a May-sling. The basis of the design of any sling is the cloth of the fabric, and their difference consists only in the method of fastening. The answer to the question, which is better than a sling or a backpack, can not be unambiguous, since both products have their pluses and minuses. In order to correctly choose the suitable transport for you and your child, you should follow these parameters:

When choosing the parents should pay attention to the fact that the ergo backpack has a large mass, unlike other types of sling and as a result of this gives a big load on the back of an adult. Also it should be borne in mind that in summer the baby in the backpack will be hotter, but in winter it is more comfortable.

The design and basic features of a good sling-backpack for newborns:

1. Wide hard belt and wide tight straps. This is a guarantee of your convenience, because they take most of the burden on themselves. 2. Wide and soft tissue back. Thanks to it, the child's physiological position is ensured. 3. The hood. It helps to fix the head of the asleep baby, and also to cover it in case of rain or wind.

At what age can I use a sling backpack?

Ergonomic backpack can be used from four months to three years. These criteria are due to the fact that the sling-backpack is the least plastic of all physiological carrying and can not guarantee the correctness of the child's posture, which did not reach the weight of 7.5 kg. At four months, when the child is already confidently holding his head, and lying on his stomach can be raised leaning on his forearm, it is allowed to carry the abdomen to the stomach in an ergo-backpack. Other provisions of the child - on the thigh, behind the back - are not recommended. It should be noted that slings are used from the first day of life and only up to six months.

Backpack-sling - how to wear?

When wearing in a backpack, make sure that all the criteria for a correct child's fit are met:

Many parents choose to buy both a backpack and a sling. In this case, the sling is used immediately after birth, and the backpack is already closer to the year.