Shingles - treatment at home

After having been ill with chickenpox, a person acquires lifelong immunity from this disease. However, the Herpes Zoster virus ( herpes zoster ) does not disappear, but settles in the body and hides in the nerve endings and nodes for the time being. Sometimes, for certain factors, the virus manifests itself in the form of shingles. Not always and not everyone can "wake up", but it's worth knowing that the danger of the virus is not ruled out. The most common diseases are elderly people, but this does not mean that the ailment is impossible in any period of life.

There are several forms of the disease, the symptoms of which vary, but on the whole it is not difficult to recognize shingles.

How to cure shingles at home?

Since the virus itself, unfortunately, is ineradicable, the treatment is aimed at its suppression and is carried out in a complex under the supervision of a doctor. The tasks of both drug treatment and folk remedies include the following:

  1. Maintenance of immunity.
  2. The intake of B group vitamins for the treatment of damaged nerve cells, the C group for improving immunity, as well as useful minerals, especially those containing zinc.


  1. With severe pain, try to reduce the pain syndrome.
  2. Cauterize foci of infection - vesicles to avoid suppuration.

How to treat shingles at home?

In the early and middle stages of the manifestation of the symptoms of herpes zoster it can be successfully treated at home. The list of traditional methods of treatment is very long. We offer a few simple effective recipes for getting rid of the disease.

Onion treatment

At the cleared bulb, cut off the top, put on the fork and hold it over the fire until, until the signs of roasting, then cool to warm and apply to the damaged skin. After cooling, repeat the procedure, having previously cut off the used layer of the bulb.

Treatment of aloe

Cut along the thick sheets of aloe to attach to the affected areas of the skin, primotat and leave for the night.

Treatment with tar

Spread the sore spots with tar or a feather and leave it open. The procedure should be carried out once a day.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide

Well helps wetting the patient areas with fleece impregnated with hydrogen peroxide.

Treatment with soda and salt

Take a tablespoon of soda and salt, soak with water. to get a creamy mass. Pain the skin areas three times a day.

Treatment of pumpkin

Wet the pumpkin on a grater, put the gruel on the affected areas and cover with a tissue napkin. Compress to do daily at night. Pumpkin seed oil also helps to lubricate the skin.

Mustard treatment

At the first signs of lichen development, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas of the skin with butter, and then with mustard, from above with a tissue napkin.

Treatment with compresses

Compresses made of bitter herbs are good , including elecampane , tansy, wormwood, celandine, immortelle, and others. To do this, you need to pour a tablespoon of the herb with a glass of boiling water. Piece of cloth soak in herb infusion, salt and attach to sore spots. Cover with a towel and warm the blanket further.

In addition to the proposed methods of treatment, help broths and tinctures that are taken inside. You can also prepare in advance for the attack of the virus. To do this, make a tincture of hot pepper.

Treatment of tincture of red hot pepper

Half the bottles filled with pods of red pepper, pour over the vodka, insist 21 days. At the slightest appearance of pain or itching, lubricate the skin with this tincture - the rash does not appear, and the pain subsides.