Hydrangea panicle "Limelight"

Hortensia is one of the bushes most loved by horticulturists. This beautifully flowering plant pleases us with its bright colors from the middle of summer to the end of autumn. Hortensia can be of different varieties . Today at the height of popularity is the hydrangea of ​​the "Limelight" type. Let's find out what it is.

Hortense "Limelight" - description

The main difference of this variety is its strong shoots, which can withstand large inflorescences without problems. This distinguishes the "Limelight" from other varieties of hydrangeas, which need supports and supports. Garden shrub hydrangea "Limelight" perfectly keeps the shape of the bush. The height of an adult plant is about 2 m, and the diameter of its crown is the same.

The color of this sort of hydrangea is unique - it varies from bright green to pure white throughout the flowering period. By the autumn, the inflorescence becomes gently pink. The dense foliage of the plant has a deep dark green color, and in the autumn it is colored in purple tones.

Hydrangeas "Limelight" are good both for single planting, and for mixborders. In the first case, they can be planted at the entrance to the site or in the front garden, if it goes to the north side. As for the mixboarder , the hydrangea looks good in tandem with giant hosts or astilba.

Hydrangea panicle "Limelight" - planting and care

The best place for hydrangeas is shade or shadow - there it will not suffer from sunlight, which slows its growth and causes the inflorescence to grow smaller. Landing should be carried out in the spring, after the threat of nocturnal frosts will remain in the past. Loosen the soil, add organic and mineral fertilizers to it for the best development of the plant, and after planting, cover with sawdust, peat or pine needles.

Watering hydrangea "Limelight" should be abundant - the bush should receive about 2 buckets of water per week. In this case, it is desirable to take the water from the rain, or at least a permanent one.

Additional fertilizing is also needed. Usually, specialized fertilizers are used for heather, rhododendron or azaleas. Take care with ash and nitrogen top dressing - with their use the winter hardiness of hydrangea "Limelight" can decrease, and the turgor of stems - become smaller.

In the spring, do not forget about thinning pruning, and during the summer periodically remove the discolored inflorescence as they dry up. Propagation of the hydrangea hydrangea of ​​the "Lymlite" variety by propagation and division of the bush.