Nest of pasta - recipes

Spicy, fragrant, divinely delicious and original nest of pasta - the recipes of this dish for you in today's material. For their implementation, pasta is needed noodles, twisted in the form of nests.

How to cook pasta "Nest" with minced meat in the oven - recipe

Especially delicious work out pasta nests, if you cook them in the oven. Ruddy cheese crust harmoniously complements the dish and gives it a unique taste.



  1. On a baking tray with high sides or in a suitable baking container, spread one layer, but close to each other raw nests of pasta.
  2. Minced meat from any type of meat to choose from is complemented with finely chopped pre-peeled onions and garlic, salt and pepper and mix.
  3. Spread small portions of minced meat on top of the nest, gently distribute the meat on their surface and slightly press.
  4. Now we pour salty water heated to boiling and pour it into a container with billets, so that it does not reach the level of minced meat.
  5. We cover the baking sheet or the shape with a foil or a cover and send it to the preheated oven for up to 190 degrees for about 10 minutes or until the pasta is ready.
  6. Now remove the foil or cover and lubricate the nest with ground meat with a mixture of tomato sauce or ketchup with sour cream.
  7. We grind the dish with extra grated cheese and return the dish to the oven until a ruddy and delicious crust is about ten minutes.
  8. When ready, sprinkle pasta nests with finely chopped herbs and immediately serve hot to the table.

Macaroni "Nest" with minced meat in a frying pan - recipe

The variant of preparation of a dish in a frying pan assumes use as a liquid filling of broth instead of water. It must be prepared in advance, and if there is no time at all, then the brewed bouillon cube will work.



  1. In a large high frying pan lay out the nest of nests.
  2. We set the broth to heat, and in the meantime we prepare the stuffing.
  3. We clean and finely shinkuyu bulb and garlic teeth, add chopped mass to chopped meat and fill it to taste salt and pepper.
  4. We lay out portions of minced meat, decorated with cutlets, on top of the nests and pour hot salted broth into the pan. He should cover pasta by two thirds.
  5. We cover the container tightly with a lid and stand on the stove with a moderate boil until the pasta is ready.
  6. At the end of cooking, sprinkle nests with grated cheese and keep them under the lid until the cheese chips melt.
  7. Immediately serve hot nests to the table, seasoning with herbs.

Stuffed nest of pasta - recipe with mushrooms

The combination of pasta with mushrooms, chicken meat, sour cream and cheese reminds something like a julien , but still has its own individual flavor.



  1. The dish can be prepared as soon as in the oven, and bring the nest to the preparedness in a frying pan, and then send it to the oven for browning.
  2. To do this, spread the pasta in a suitable container, fill it with hot broth or water, cover it with a lid or foil and send it to a warm oven or to a plate until the pasta is ready.
  3. In the meantime, we pass the chopped onion into butter in a frying pan, add the mushrooms and fry the contents until the moisture evaporates.
  4. Separately brown the finely chopped chicken fillet and put it to the mushroom toast.
  5. We add salt to taste, pepper, season with fragrant Provencal or Italian herbs and remove from the plate.
  6. We spread the prepared stuffing on top to practically ready nests, we add on top a spoonful of sour cream, we rub cheese and send it for ten minutes for browning in the oven.
  7. Ready pasta "Nest" with chicken and mushrooms is served hot, sprinkled with herbs.