Pea porridge - calorie content

Peas - one of the most ancient vegetable crops known to man. The remains of his seeds are found in archaeological strata related to the Neolithic. Presumably, his homeland is South-West Asia, from there he got to the Mediterranean, and then to other European countries in the 3-2 millennium BC. Therefore, it is not surprising that dishes from peas, in particular pea porridge, are in various variations present in all the national cuisines of the peoples of Eurasia. In particular, in Russia pea porridge was at a premium, and often served even to the royal table, which is not surprising, given the length of the Orthodox fasts, during which it was forbidden to consume almost all products of animal origin. A bug, like all beans - a wonderful source of quality protein.

Nutritional value of pea porridge

Peas contain a lot of protein (about 23 grams per 100 grams of cereals), respectively, and porridge welded from it, will also contain a lot of proteins - about 12 grams per 100 g of finished product, but there is almost no fat in it (of course, if not add there is only 0.75 g. There is not much in pea porridge and carbohydrates - only about 20 g, and although the calorie content of pea porridge is quite high - 150-180 kcal, however, most of the calories in it are proteins that are still needed to assimilate, and this, in turn, is an additional expenditure of energy.

Of course, this is true only for pea porridge boiled on the water, because the calorie content of this product increases many times with the introduction of various supplements into it. After all, the most common additives in the Russian and Western European culinary traditions are onion, fried in butter, cracklings, lard or bacon, fatty cream, smoked products. They can hardly be called dietary, and with them pea porridge becomes not just a calorie, it turns out to be "unbearable" in terms of the number of calories for a modern inhabitant of a megacity. Of course, it is possible, following the example of some Mediterranean culinary experts, to add seafood to this mess, which is much more useful and easier, but the taste will turn out, let's say, directly - to an amateur.


In addition, pea porridge, even cooked on the water, you can not all, and it's not about calorie. Just in this dish a lot of coarse vegetable fiber, so it is contraindicated in many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and a combination of fiber and sugars can lead to such a delicate problem as flatulence . In addition to problems with the intestines, peas, and dishes made from it, can cause an exacerbation of the disease in patients with gout, because they contain many purine bases, a violation in the exchange of which leads to this very unpleasant disease.

Therefore, all those who have the above health problems, as well as nursing mothers and young children (up to 1.5 years), it is better to refuse the use of pea porridge, as well as other dishes containing this representative of legumes.