Tea from hawthorn - good and bad

The benefits of hawthorn knew in ancient times. People used berries in recipes of traditional medicine, and today their useful properties for weight loss have been proved. It is recommended to prepare tea from flowers and leaves of a plant, but in some recipes it is possible to use berries.

Benefit and harm of tea from hawthorn

Scientists have long proven that not only berries, but also other parts of this plant contain many different substances that help fight various diseases, and also contribute to weight loss.

Useful properties of tea with hawthorn:

  1. In berries, there are pectins that help to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. In addition, the drink displays salts of heavy metals. Thanks to this tea helps to normalize the digestive system.
  2. The drink boasts a large amount of ascorbic acid , which not only strengthens the immune system, but is also important for many processes in the body.
  3. The use of tea with hawthorn lies in the presence of various organic acids that favorably affect the work of the digestive tract. It is worth mentioning ursulic acid, which activates the process of skin regeneration.
  4. Tea from berries favorably affects the work of the nervous system, helping to cope with stress , fatigue and other nervous strains.
  5. Another useful property of the drink - it helps to normalize the level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood.
  6. It is worth noting the choleretic and diuretic effect of tea with hawthorn, which helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

Can bring tea from the fruits of hawthorn not only good, but also harm to the body. First, you can not drink this drink in large quantities, as this can lead to nausea. Secondly, it is forbidden to use hawthorn tea, pregnant women and women who breastfeed, as well as people with low blood pressure.