Blepharitis - the causes of

Under the diagnosis of blepharitis is understood a whole group of inflammatory processes of the eyelids, mainly at the base of the eyelashes. The causes of blepharitis are very different, and for their diagnosis, clinical examinations and laboratory tests are necessary to identify the pathogen and to select effective drugs in the fight against it.

Causes of blepharitis

Depending on the symptomatology and manifestation of the disease, and also on the basis of tests, blepharitis can be caused by such causes:

Regardless of the cause, the inflammation of the eyelids is always an alarming signal to the fact that the defenses of the body are weakened, there are health problems that need to be eliminated. However, if blepharitis is not treated, other diseases can join it, and this promises to start irreversible processes, so you should not joke about health, because at an early stage any disease is treated without consequences and quickly.

Blepharitis - Causes and Treatment

The disease itself does not carry serious danger and is effectively treated, but very often the acute form becomes chronic. And in order to avoid relapses, it is necessary to regularly observe the rules of hygiene, to wash your face and eyes every day and evening, and if there is a tendency to allergies, avoid contact with allergens to the maximum.

Often in medical practice, ointments and eye drops are taken as a basis for treatment with antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as antihistamines.

If doctors diagnosed scaly blepharitis, then often it is accompanied by dry eyes and then additionally it is necessary to use moisturizing drops.

When demodekoznom blepharitis are contraindicated steroidal anti-inflammatory, in contrast to other forms, because because of them the local immunity decreases, provoking an increase in the number of mites.

In case of blockage of sebaceous and meibomian glands, then meibomia blepharitis is diagnosed, which can be caused even by the wearing of contact lenses . And in case of its treatment, the lenses are contraindicated before recovery, and, in addition to the medical measures aimed at removing inflammation, doctors recommend doing eyelid massage.